The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Yeah, gotcha. Thanks.

Obviously the impeachment inquiry should be wider. But Iā€™m far from certain it will be. It will be a litmus test of how hard the Dems are really going to push this.

Iā€™m definitely on team wider.

Iā€™m incredulous that they arenā€™t dragging out everything the guy has ever done. Itā€™s not just bad for the presidency to ignore everything not related to the whistleblower, itā€™s piss poor politics. Nancy needs to retire


If they go down the Ukraine phone call only path here that will just be more of the same in my opinion from the powers that be in the Dem party. Make a big show and then either do nothing or half ass it.

He isnā€™t getting removed just over just that so the goal should be to dig as much dirt in public on him as possible.

Iā€™m actually somewhat optimistic this might be the time they actually do something but having been tricked over and over that this was the time I am skeptical as hell.

Eh, I think focusing on Ukraine and related obstruction is a simple, clear-cut case.

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Iā€™m really uncomfortable about this whole Pompeo thing. They canā€™t botch this with him, and they have no easy plays if they canā€™t get him in the chair. And if he just decides to go on a bunch of international trips to avoid subpoenas, theyā€™ll have to move without him.

Right now, the path is simple. Pompeo was on that call and helped cover it up. Heā€™s now obstructing the investigation into it. Barr is implicated, lied about being involved, and is doing extracurricular activity intended to undermine the integrity of the Mueller probe.

Hereā€™s the order they should be going:

  1. Impeach Pompeo (if he is subpoenaed and does not show up)
  2. Impeach Barr (subpoena his ass too, and use him not showing up as impeachment material)
  3. Impeach Trump

There is no way Pompeo should be SOS right now. Heā€™s always made me sick, but him having the degree of power he has after the inflection point has come out that he was there for has a chance of going really really badly.

I canā€™t stand that they might drag this out to Thanksgiving in a ā€˜speedā€™ impeachment. Do they not realize what can happen in 2 months in this shit show?


If they impeach early and heā€™s quickly acquitted, what happens when even worse shit comes out later? I donā€™t think these Dems have the balls to impeach multiple times.


Correct. Get it all on the table now and start sending fuckers to jail who refuse to respond to subpoenas.

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The upside is half of these funds will wind up in a Trump org bank account

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Is money really that important for Trump? Everyone knows who he is, everyone knows what heā€™s about, and heā€™s on TV 24/7.

I mean of course itā€™s still important but I donā€™t think itā€™s as important as it normally is. Itā€™s not like Trump buying a bunch of TV ads is gonna help him a lot.

Though I guess they can dump it all into Cambridge analytica 2 electric boogaloo and attack ads that might fool some dumbs into thinking that Warren is HIllary 2.0 or some nonsense.

Thatā€™s why this initial one should be related to Ukraine and anything that comes out of that (other hidden phone calls, Barr and Pompeoā€™s adventures in crime, etc.). All the other stuff can be a long investigation if absolutely necessary, but this needs to get to the Senate right quick.

This seems really bad strategically because like LM said the Dems are very very unlikely to stage impeachment #2 if impeachment #1 is a failure. I really donā€™t see Moscow Mitch and his minions voting to convict over this Ukraine stuff.

Which means the most likely outcome with your gameplan is failed impeachment over Ukraine that happens quickly and then likely no impeachment proceedings over the other 100 crimes he has committed.

If you put everything on the table you at least get a lot of dirt on Trump into the public eye through all the hearings. So even if you fail to remove him you still can weaken him.


All correct and Nancigenarian has been around long enough to know this. 1998 is a distant memory and Trump is a different president. Itā€™s infuriating. I legit think half the people posting itt would be better at her job than she if given the same resources and connections.

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Be sure to split the vote, at LA GOP!

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Real or Onion?

Narrator: It was indeed real.


Do they have Putinā€™s endorsement?