The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

oooooh that is strongly worded!


If Congress has the ability to penalize people for defying subpoenaā€™s this is the moment to demonstrate it. If they can levy fines they should be hitting Pompeo at 10M a day he fails to appear. If they can arrest people they should do that.

Honestly though if those options arenā€™t available they donā€™t have anything but just immediately adding it to the impeachment complaint and moving on to the next thing.

Thereā€™s a very good chance we have to wait for justice on this from the Warren admins AG.

And somebody better have already gotten assurances from the Secret Service etc that theyā€™re going to throw Trump out on his ass when he gets removed from office either through election or impeachmentā€¦ because he sure as fuck isnā€™t leaving voluntarily. Thinking that he will is wishful thinking. There are zero scenarios where he does.

Not to nitpick an otherwise scorching analysis of impeachment by Cokehead McFoxpundit, but Beria wasnā€™t the first Soviet head of anything, dummy. While Russian/Soviet intelligence agencies often reorganized and changed names, the first Soviet head of intelligence was Felix Dzerzhinsky, who lead the Cheka in 1917 and the GPU-OGPU in 1922-23 when the USSR formally came into being. Beria came much later. Beria became head of the NKVD after Stalin decided to ditch Nikolai Yezhov, the guy who ran the Great Purge and also of ā€œIn Soviet Russia, photoshop photoshops youā€ fame:

Anyway, Beria somehow outlived Stalin, but Khrushchev and friends took him out a few months after Stalin died. They made a movie about it:

I.n.h.e.r.e.n.t. C.o.n.t.e.m.p.t.

Act like youā€™re playing it cool and put him in inherent contempt the first time he doesnā€™t answer a question. Heā€™s a massive national security risk right now, since itā€™s come out he was on that phone call. Heā€™s not going to survive this by stonewalling. Guy went to CIA unqualified, then went to SOS right away from CIA unqualified solely because it had come out that he was ā€˜negotiatingā€™ with Kim prior to being confirmed. They even floated the idea of him doing both (!) prior to confirmation. Pompeo should be impeached if he doesnā€™t come to testify, and I think the weaselly GOP might even get on board due to how many potential national security risks this guy has (arguably worse than Trump). Letā€™s not forget that heā€™s also trying to drag us into a war with Iran, and is trying to go around Congress to do that.

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As long as they only get to eat runny cheese with maggots in it and drink fermented yakā€™s milk.

Didnā€™t we have a tournament over at 2+2 and Scott Pruitt won?


But the president has told aides and confidants he doesnā€™t need a more robust legal team, sources told Insider, because he believes heā€™s his own best attorney and that the right-wing media machine will boost his case.


Yeah this is really good for us.

At least Maxine is not fucking around.


Category 5 paralysis :man_shrugging:


Ugh! Donā€™t waste your time ever clicking on anything from CNN.

"Oh, letā€™s kind of split the difference and get as many clicks as possible, regardless of how fucking stupid half of this shit show is and how dumbass and clickbaity we reveal ourselves to be.

CNN proving Donald Trump right for once - CNN really, really.really sucks!!!

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Iā€™m not sure on the timeline, but seems suspicious now that Zalensky announced withdrawal from Donbas today

Or we can keep referring to Trump as a Russian asset and describe his supporters as pretty much the same as spies. Are there supposed to be unsaid quiet parts about how to deal with such un-American activities or are the people idiots who need that stuff said out loud to get that this is serious?

Iā€™m not sure what happened to the thread, but re: the claims that the intelligence community somehow secretly changed the rules regarding filing IC whistleblower complaints, it was bullshit and our analysis was correct. Trump-Picked Intelligence I.G. Debunks GOP Conspiracy Theory

Just saw an article saying some red state Dems are worried about impeachment. They are:

  1. Jon Tester (won in 2018)
  2. Joe Manchin (won in 2018)
  3. Doug Jones (up in 2020 with practically no chance of retaining that seat without impeachment or Roy Moore running against him)

In other words, these three are idiotsā€¦shocker.

Article also says that Pelosi wants to keep impeachment as narrow as possible, while Schumer wants it wider. Suggests thereā€™s a major rift within these two, and as we all know wider is going to win. If they go in with only one quick article of impeachment thatā€™s a mistake, even though heā€™s nailed on it. With all thatā€™s coming out, it should be easy to find at least 4 that apply to the Ukraine/Biden/Mueller undermining that could go there quickly.


Are you talking about the DNI thread? If so, it just got moved down because of no replies. Click on political topics to find the thread youā€™re looking for.