The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Jon “My Country’s For” Sale

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That last opinion poll was really bad news for the WH. At the same time if nothing happens as a result of this thing I fully approve pointing and laughing at me face planting ITT. I sure would in your shoes. I really hope team nothing matters is wrong this time… because if you aren’t this ship is probably going down sooner rather than later.

William Barr is the Dick Cheney of… he’s just Dick Cheney

Zelenskyy supposedly met with Tom Cruise yesterday. Tom Cruise and Vladimir Putin are both 5’7”. Just sayin’.

[cue Mission Impossible theme…]


Ok, so are they just going to let POMPEO blatantly lie and obstruct justice? Please tell me the next stop is jail and that we’re done with the letters.


You know they are.

This is probably my main source of pessimism. I’ve seen no reason to believe that impeachment-flavored subpoenas will mean more than the ones they’ve been laughing at for months. If by some miracle they show up, why should I think they won’t lie with a we-all-know-I’m-lying-but-you-can’t-prove-it grin on their face?

Whatever Congress does to prove the charges will have to be 100% without any cooperation from the admin and its stooges, and the lack of any confessions will give the Senate cover to quickly acquit.

“It was the stupidest f—ing thing I’d heard in months,” a GOP advisor familiar with the president’s thought process told Insider, referring to Trump’s rationale for releasing the memo. “Anyone who heard what was said on that call knew it would bury the president. That’s why they went and buried the transcript. I can’t fathom what would lead him to believe this would help his case.”

Trump also needs a “defense that doesn’t look like it was put together by a bunch of pissed off pre-schoolers,” the former official added. “You can’t go around screaming ‘fake news’ and ‘witch hunt’ when you yourself put the evidence out there. It doesn’t work that way. This isn’t a two-year long investigation like the Mueller probe, this thing is moving fast, and if the president doesn’t get out ahead of it, it’s going to swallow him up.”

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Hate to see it

I literally shed a tear…laughing

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Now that’s officially impeachment, can the house fast subpoena challenges to SCOTUS? No need to slow walk through lower courts?

Pompeo is vying for biggest non trump POS. Hard to contend for the title with Barr in the mix.

Remember back in the day when we thought Sessions was the biggest piece of shit in the Trump administration? Good times!


Rumor has it that will be the official response of the State department to all allegations


It seems super easy to just subpoena Pompeo. Not sure why this is more of a production than it needs to be at this moment. Volker will likely testify, and he will be plenty. Get Pompeo up there and make him answer all kinds of questions now that he’s implicated that he listened to the phone call and didn’t do anything about it.

What likely recourse do you envision being taken if he continues defying the subpoena? It used to be that being held in contempt was enough to shame a politician into shutting tf up and doing their constitutional duty, but these Trump guys wear a contempt citation like a badge of honor. There have to be real consequences, because strongly worded letters are actually helping their cause.