The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Nah they were dumb. Their ancestry included Henry VIII, Edward II, John I and Bloody Mary and they devised a system whereby it is only slightly easier to rid their fancy new republic of a bad President than to rid the empire of an awful monarch.

lol “Enlightenment”. They learned nothing.

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My favorite thing about being on the fuck Mueller team is knowing that after him and his good buddy Barr executed a truly sophisticated coverup of the POTUS actively colluding with the Russians to interfere in the election in 2016 and then aggressively obstructing justice at every available opportunity… he immediately fucked it up. Like the day after. Truly pearls before swine. He really had no idea how close he had come to getting absolutely ruined and his big takeaway from it was that he could do anything he wanted.

I mean the system allows them to elect a new president every 4 years. That would have been a positively wonderful result in every example you just listed. Also none of those people would have won the first election.

They didn’t anticipate the US becoming a global superpower with instant near magical communications and transportation no. There was a time when you couldn’t get so much damage done in 4 years.

Let’s imagine a system where removing the POTUS is easier. Obama probably would have been removed from office. The chaos such a system produced probably would have been pretty real… and the existing system for all its flaws is probably about to get rid of Donald.


A true American hero. How soon will he be invited to the WH to receive his medal of honor?

Honestly, the fact that Trump spends time surfing random Twitter videos and retweeting them is really really good. Anything that takes his attention away from using his power to do anything at all is good for the world.

Re Mitch and being delusional etc: Remember that circa like a week ago or whatever it was, correctly, considered delusional to speculate that Pelosi might agree to impeach Trump. What changed that was the Ukraine transcript coming to light. We don’t know what else Mitch might know is coming down the pipe.He will, as ever, act in the most cynical possible way to retain Republican dominance of the Senate and hopefully House, as the legislative branch is where power to appease donors actually resides. I don’t think it’s true that the correct answer to how to do this is “back Trump 100% literally no matter what”. I also don’t think we’re at the point yet where the answer is for him to knife Trump. I do think we’re at the point where he thinks it might be wise to hedge his bets a little. It’s still very unlikely that he will make any move against Trump, but I think it’s apparent that he is keeping the option open.


Side note: I was at a pub quiz tonight and we had the question “Name a one-word country which starts with U and ends with E” and had maybe a minute to think about it. I couldn’t get it. Boy, was I mad with myself when I looked it up.


It’s not like that country hasn’t been in every news story for 2 weeks.

( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

“Why aren’t we entitled to interview and learn everything about the Whistleblower?”

he legitimately does not know the answer to that question


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Why? What happened in Ugande?


What is the obsession with how “nice” or “perfect” the call was? Those words don’t make sense there.

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The office of the POTUS is a singularly bad idea which should not exist. Some of the reasons it is bad were not forseeable at the time of the Founders, but some of them were (and some of them were, in fact, forseen).

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This seems like an important story. This is what I’m talking about with stuff coming down the pipe.

Another piece of evidence pointing to founder stupidity: the US is the only major democracy I can think of that doesn’t differentiate between the head of state and the head of government ie President/Prime Minister. This leads to a ridiculous amount of power creep with the executive branch.

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I don’t think there’s an obsession. Simply the limits of his vocabulary.

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Oh and literally one person chooses the Vice President loooool