The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Someone call in to Preet’s podcast and tell him the SDNY is FOS.

Apparently, the source is a drug addict and his credibility is shaky at best, but the documents he’s providing are the real deal that only those in the inner circle would have any idea about.

no idea why I responded to my own post, they’re not related


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Some of the finest people Preet has ever worked with. Career patriots

There wasn’t really supposed to be a head of government, because there wasn’t supposed to be a government, because there weren’t supposed to be parties. I’m not a scholar of the history of the system or anything obviously, but it seems like the Framers were not fans of the idea of a united government setting out to achieve an agenda. Then two things happened: foreign policy grew vastly in importance in what would be considered the agenda of the United States, and managing the country became a complicated task, necessitating a coherent agenda. These changes have meant that the office of the President became a de facto head of government, something for which it was not designed.

The Framers can be forgiven for not forseeing these exact eventualities, but imo the dangers in a directly-elected figurehead office with sweeping powers of appointment and veto power over legislation are pretty obvious. Australia might have another referendum to become a republic in the coming years. In 1999 the constitutional system was decided on by Constitutional Convention and then voted on, and it was voted down in part because the head of state would not be directly elected, instead being appointed by a two-thirds majority of Parliament. There’s talk of a two stage vote where we first vote to become a republic and then vote on system; if that happens I’ll probably have to vote No on becoming a republic. It’s a constant source of amazement to me that people are like “I hate politicians and don’t want them to vote on a president, I want to vote directly” and never connect the dots on how the politicians in question get into office. YOU VOTE FOR THEM. If you don’t like politicians, don’t create a system where we get another one.

It’s important to remember that we were one of the first major democracy’s. When our current OS came out it was state of the art, but now it’s wildly out of date and has lots of obvious holes. At this point we’re probably either going to reform our system with some common sense changes or it’s going to collapse in the next few decades at the most.

I’m actually fully expecting and looking forward to the reforms. That’s way less trouble than having the government actually collapse and having a couple of decades of chaos. We’re the worlds largest economy and have way too much to lose to not just work it out at some point. The Boomers may have to mostly die off first though.

I wonder which two…

( twitter | raw text )
sounds like he’s defending his department against this re-re-re-investigation of hillary emails, but actually he’s announcing he’s going to defy congressional subpoenas

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Artificial numbers for short term gains, you say?


I am going to propose to Soledad

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I’ve had a crush on soledad for like a decade.


She’s 53 and looks 29 :heart: