The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Iā€™m sincerely glad about his total lack of ability to hunker down, focus, and do work actually. All of you claiming this imbecile is going to figure a way out of this messā€¦ I get how the last four years (or however long itā€™s been since he called Mexicans rapists) of Trump could teach you that heā€™s bullet proof, but it simply isnā€™t so. Imagine the blessed silence when Inmate #1356346ā€™s (Iā€™m going to call him by his inmate number for the rest of my life when he goes to jail) twitter account finally goes dark?
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Post Trump out of office I think itā€™s up in the air whether he does time or not. Still think there is no way he gets convicted by the senate until his approval hits like 30% and so far it has barely moved at all. If he loses in 2020, hard to say what happens. A lot of the dem base wants blood, and I expect whoever is AG in New York would love to make a name for themselves for taking out Trump.

Too many variables to predict that though. Of course there will be mountains of evidence to convict him on, and he will make it super easy. Will just depend on if centrist dems will have the balls to go for it.

There is truth to the fact that it would create chaos. If Trump was really looking at jail time Iā€™d expect a ton of insane right wing terrorist attacks. Not that we should be persuaded by that, but if dems think it would be politically damaging they will avoid it.

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If heā€™s saying that phone call was PERFECT 100x a day in public, can you imagine how many times heā€™s saying it behind closed doors?

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I suspect Pompeo or someone else listening in said ā€œSir, that was perfect sirā€ when the call was over and thus President LittleHands is repeating ā€œit was a perfect callā€.


Again with the fake map. This fucking guy.

BTW, I checked and Lake County, Minnesota (the second to last county in the northeast corner of the state) hasnā€™t gone red since 1932.

So this map isnā€™t from 2016, or 2004 or 2000. Itā€™s just a complete fabrication.

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Unfortunately itā€™s thisā€¦ Or fortunately :joy:


Would be great if she was wearing a MAGA hat.

Honestly Iā€™ve seen that meme like 1,000 times this weekend referring to the WB. :joy:

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Couldnā€™t find his couch in the living room

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