The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

We really think Moscow Mitch is holding a vote to burn senators before an election for a dollar menu dumbfuck? I think what he’d love to have is a resignation and is using cheap talk to bluff at it.


I posted about it earlier, but the Rs had a 55-45 advantage in the Senate before impeachment and had the exact same lead after the '98 election after impeachment. They had a 227-206 lead in the House before and a 223-211 lead in the House after.

The politicos have decided that was a shellacking for Rs since they were supposed to gain seats in a midterm election in which Ds held the Presidency. Alternative hypothesis, the impeachment simply made a midterm election behave more like a Presidential year election…

No one thinks Mitch is doing the right thing. We think he’s doing what’s best for him and the GOP. He gives no fucks about Trump. He never did and he never will. But there is an inflection point in which it’s best to cut ties w/ Trump.


I don’t think there is a better result for Mitch than Trump’s “willing” resignation, and I would expect him to try to eventually make that happen. Also, “dollar menu dumbfuck” is elite.

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Hope is a hell of a drug.


Cant see Moscow Mitch turning on trump until the base who will vote him and others out does and the base is a cult that wont turn.

Yeah resignation is best for GOP control. Otherwise they just put Senate seats at risk for no reason and he’s not letting that happen. This is all under the view that (1) the IC will keep leaking treason calls and (2) the worst is yet to come. Mitch has seen the dead hooker list and knows the final reveals will be white women from Christian families. Like we’re gonna get a call where he offers to trade a U.S. citizen to Putin or MBS. They’re not gonna let Susan Collins vote on that.

lol dudes, remember when the same FBI guy who investigated Clinton the day before early voting started was named to oversee Russiagate? Didn’t ya’ll think there was a snowballs chance in hell that something was going to happen?

I’ll esplain it is simple so you get the picture, the republican party is pay to play, the democratic party is pay to lose. There is a reason so many middle of the road conservative democrats are getting primaried, is that people are sick as shit of their Washington Generals routine to the Republicans Globetrotters.

The best thing the dems could do to in this is keep the Cohen’s in the party as far away from this as possible, summon as many middlemen as possible then pull in Barr and Guilliani. Only bring in Trump when the whole deal is over and all the other guys have already perjured themselves.


Mo Nazis Mo Betta’

Why we paying to fly this no security clearance having dump around?


grunching, but i definitely recall seeing people tweeting about this months ago. Way to be up to date, WaPo

I’m sorry, but what kind of deep fried fuckery is this?

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I thought that as well.

In an indirect way, yes you are. So congrats?

( twitter | raw text )

… Might want to stop playing around with yahoo stock graphs and try to figure out how to get out of this mess Don. Also stock prices are as high as they are because you literally made them more valuable when you lowered the corporate tax rate, and the resulting deficits will make it that much harder to cope with the next recession so thanks for that. And they’d be higher if you hadn’t started a trade war with China in the dumbest most mismanaged way possible.

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