The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

This. Trumpkins are the base. If Republicans turn on Trump the base will be rioting. A Trumpkin third party is legit possible. Conservatives will be in the wilderness for a generation. If they protect Trump, they will get crushed in 2020. But they are one recession away from getting power back.

I am also on team ā€œsound and fury signifying nothingā€ with regard to impeachment and any consequences for almost all these people. Am very open to doing some betting with an optimist, emotional hedge bets are my favorite.

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Yep, McConnell may want Trump gone, but he insta loses all his power if he convicts Trump.

The reason he says he will hold a trial is that beyond the rules, the Majority Leader refusing to hold votes, etc. on stuff is a ā€œtraditionā€ that can only occur if his party wants the cover.

There will be Romney and at least ~4 other Rs ā€œprincipledā€ enough to demand a trial, say refusing to hold one is outrageous regardless of how you feel about the charges and threaten to work w/ Ds on the procedural maneuvers necessary to override McConnell.

McConnell can already see that is a massively losing PR battle so is folding early.

Keeping the White House though for four more years might be a long-term negative for the GOP. Trump is out of control enough with an election coming up. Imagine how dictatorial and off-the-wall he could get if he knew he had four more years to rule and that was it. I think Jeff Flake is right that 35 Republican Senators would vote to convict in an impeachment trial if only they could. This is a case of ā€œbe careful what you wish forā€ when it comes to the 2020 Presidential Election.

Hot take: I would never put my faith in Mitch, but if ā€œMitch acts as a heroā€ were at .10, I would buy. Shoes are dropping like a centipede entering a Japanese house, and Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged. He is lashing out in ways we donā€™t yet know, and he will continue to do so. Jared was seen in Mitchā€™s office a few days ago. I would not be surprised if Mitch warned Jared that Trump should stay in line or bad things will happen. Mitch holds all the cards, and he now has serious leverage over Trump and to some extent controls him.

Again, I wouldnā€™t make this bet at .25, but thereā€™s a chance that Mitch will require that Trump reign in his impulses, or else.


Mitch also probably knows about like 50 things even worse than the Ukraine nonsense that havenā€™t gone public yet.

Also, Trump is probably committing new crimes daily, itā€™s Frank the Tank, something awesome we havenā€™t even thought about.

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All County Moscow Mitchā€™s wife All District Elaine Chao is implicated in a major scandal that could get All District Elaine Chao to All County. All County Moscow Mitch tried for All State working with Russians to build a factory for All County Moscow Mitchā€™s jobs for Kentucky. All County Moscow Mitch can just run away from all of this in 2020 and not even run if it gets too hot. All County Moscow Mitch ainā€™t gonna get richer anymore. To think All County Moscow Mitch cares about anything but All County Moscow Mitch is to underestimate All County Moscow Mitch. All County Moscow Mitch took the ā€˜Do No Harmā€™ oath, but All County Moscow Mitch said ā€˜Do Nothing But Harmā€™ under All County Moscow Mitchā€™s breath. The All County Moscow Mitch thoughts you have would make more sense if All County Moscow Mitch was up in 2022.

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Sup Bro?

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sup bro

This is why we need the coming recession to start before the election.

Yeah bro, can you imagine if like Mich refused to hold a vote on a SCOTUS nominee. Congressional Dems would positively excoriate him!

After the W backrub incident thereā€™s no way Merkel lets herself get trapped in a room alone with a Republican.

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This may be true, but Trump is, at least as of now, better for 2020 elections. I am not ruling out Moscow Mitch putting on a trial, but itā€™s a sham trial about Bidenā€™s corruption or whatever.

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Weā€™ll only let him get away with it once I swear!

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10 years is a long ass time. I donā€™t think the opposition party can really be dead in this system for more than about 4. Although I will grant that a bloodbath in 2020 could be an exception, as that will decide who presides over a whole lot of redistricting.

I saw on Twitter that Hannity is saying the reason Barr is involved with Australia and Italy is to investigate Obama spying on Trump during the 2016 election.

A recession is coming sooner or later. If Mitch thinks itā€™s after the election, he can throw Trump under the bus, take the L, and then sweep everything in 2024 when they blame the Dems for the recession that occurred after Trump left office.

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I mean the democrats held congress for like 26 years from my understanding. I could see that happening again if dems get a super majority soon and the demographics shift and they get stuff done that actually benefits people outside the top 10%.

Wonā€™t be by 2020, but I could see something like that beginning by like 2028 or so.

That was prior to the propaganda machine broadcasting nightly. Dems will not be able to hold a lead in office without us as a nation figuring out how to deal with misinformation-for-profit networks.


Wow you guys are so delusional you now think Mitch is going to do the right thing?

Iā€™m going with, Mitch thinks heā€™s being coy and goading the Democrats into the R impeachment experience from the 90ā€™s.