The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

We were pretty much already there by the constitutional convention. The system has been pushed further toward that since by the parties.
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Same. He was a huge disappointment.

Feels like a HUGE, under reported deal that Mitch is publicly backing a Senate trial.

Iā€™m not going to be optimistic, but Mitchā€™s silence is stunning.

Also, holy s*** about how pro-impeachment Drudge seems to be. Itā€™s remarkable. Heā€™s one of the leaders of the derposphere. These are the current 18 point font headlines on Drudge:

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Yet another reason for my optimism. I think thereā€™s a meaningful chance that Mitch is getting ready to fuck Trump.

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Mitch is the one person in the US who decides if Trump gets removed from office and he doesnā€™t seem to be putting up any kind of a fight. One explanation is that heā€™s going to rush this to a quick acquittal in the Senate just to get it over and done. But I think the best explanation is that heā€™s thought about it and decided he can work with President Pence. I am cautiously optimistic.

Literally all Mitch cares about at this point is taxes and judges. Pence is even better than Trump on both.

I think heā€™s waiting and watching and keeping his options open just in case. That said, it would take Trumpā€™s approval rating dropping below 30 percent to give republican senators enough cover to vote to remove. That still seems like an incredibly long shot. The most likely scenario at this point is he is impeached but not removed, maybe with some crossover votes like a Collins, Romney or Murkowski.

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Itā€™s really over.

There are infinite crimes.

Could Pence meet with Merkel alone?


Cmon Mitch would be excoriated if he flat out said ā€œno voteā€.

Thatā€™s not whatā€™s unusual. Whatā€™s unusual is heā€™s made no public statements yet supporting trump.

The optimism itt feels great for a second or two. Then I remember Trump isnā€™t going to fall below 35% approval and will not be removed from office. Iā€™m also going to LOL at the thought that Trump canā€™t pardon his minions. Once he is acquitted in his impeachment trial the power to pardon is unlimited for federal crimes. Like nobody is even going to appeal a Trump pardon of Pompeo. Would a new AG even have standing to appeal it? If it was appealed a 9-0 ruling saying it is fine wouldnā€™t be surprising. Trump pardoning himself is the only legit legal question. As for state crimes, fully expect Trumpkins to hang those juries.

A. That centaur stance he does is so strange.

B. Being POTUS must be such an unimaginably insane constant high for a narcissist. Dozens of cameras and people following your every move for years on end.

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This. Mitch is incredibly cynical and smart. There is no reason for him take a stance one way or the other. By saying he will hold a hearing, heā€™s remaining neutral, but also sending a loud message to Trump. There is a long time before any Senators will have to go on the record for a vote, more than enough time for major shifts in public sentiment. Just because he says he would have to hold a hearing now, doesnā€™t mean he wonā€™t have any trouble reversing later when some kind of cover comes out or the Democrats fuck up somehow so that he can claim Dems are playing politics and yada yada it would be unconstitutional to move forward with a hearing in the Senate on fraudulent impeachment charges, etc.

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I donā€™t share the optimism about Mitch. Turning on Trump means getting smashed in 2020 and probably losing to a super majority for the next 10 years and having everything undone. With Trump at least heā€™s got a shot at keeping the senate and white house.

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I was thinking about that while he was in LA: him being ushered from his armored limo, surrounded by highly trained secret service agents, to an enormous helicopter flown by the finest pilots in the land, with an escort of multiple military planes. He must get off on it so much.

Some of us are old enough to remember when he did exactly that to ole Merrick Garland.