The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

House is going to impeach and Senate will acquit. Everything will move on as scheduled otherwise and 2020 is still a coinflip.

Saved you guys a lot of prognostication.


They arenā€™t that rich and they arenā€™t that connected. They are all the kinds of shady people who really do go to prison. There are tiers of people in this country and these guys are nowhere near the top. The guys who quit the Trump admin during the first two years were. They quit because continuing would have resulted in going to jail.

These were the people stupid enough to think that you could definitely get away with this. My guess is that the only reason this kind of mega fuck up didnā€™t happen sooner is those actually qualified people stopped Trump from going full moron. They quit and here we are. I guess they werenā€™t lying when they said that they were preventing a lot of idiotic stuff from happening.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he discussed concerns about interference in upcoming U.S. elections with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. May 6, 2019

A representative plead guilty just today. It happens.

This is the correct take imo. Devos and Chao are probably not implicated and thatā€™s the only reason they havenā€™t quit.

Listen, if it were up to me, all of them would share one jail cell together for 50 years. But US History has shown time and time again, white men with money rarely face punishment for serious crimes. Not a single person went to prison for the US financial crises in 2008. Dick Cheney is a war criminal.

Itā€™s only people like Madoff, Sandusky, and Epstein that face prison. Look at a guy like Manafort. Heā€™s gonna be out of prison in about 5 years. Cohen will be out in 3. But to think Trump and everyone in his circle will avoid jail is just a fantasy. It sucks but it is what it is.


Barr apparently tied up w/ Italyā€™s government too. JFC this guy needs to go.

Itlee too!





Someone explain to this guy our foolproof LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE defense

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This was always going to happen. You can defy gravity for a long time before realizing that you arenā€™t really flying but have in fact been fired into the air with a cannon. Trump only has the minions who are too dumb to know thatā€™s what is happening, which means that they wonā€™t magically turn competent here at the end. They fucked up over and over again to get here and the only thing we can really count on is that they will keep on fucking up. There might be paths to getting out of this mess, but thereā€™s not a single person left in the WH who has the ability to find that lineā€¦ and if there was Trump sure wouldnā€™t listen to them.

There isnā€™t even anyone left in the building to find the way to weasel out of this now. All thatā€™s left is a bunch of low tier bag men. The kind of people who populate every minimum security prison in the federal system. A bunch of shitty low level foot soldiers whose entire careers have been based on doing borderline illegal stuff for the actual rich and powerful people largely so that the actual rich and powerful people never find themselves in a situation where they might have to go to jail. These guys literally exist to be the fall guy for their betters. Trump has populated the entire WH with these characters. Guys who the truly rich and powerful usually hire other people to have contact with so that there are two layers between them and whatever dirty stuff needs doing. Thatā€™s who our AG and Secretary of State are. Itā€™s crazy.

This is nothing new for Trump. His campaign manager was Paul Fucking Manafort for a while. Roger Stone was involved from the beginning. Those guys are like the first string right wing foot soldiers who no reputable member of the political establishment admits to knowing lol. Trump not only knows these people he vastly prefers them to the more talented but clean people (because if you actually add value thereā€™s never a good reason to put yourself out there like that, youā€™re rich and powerful so putting risk of ruin into the mix makes zero sense).

I mean just look at Barrā€™s career. He got trotted out one other time when HW needed someone willing to put their finger prints all over a coverup. HW is one of those guys who was never ever going to go to jail. Barrā€™s job was to go to jail if that whole thing went horribly sideways. Thatā€™s what heā€™s doing for Trump, but Trump is literally infinitely stupider than HW so the odds of getting away with anything were always zero. Barr demonstrated he was a talentless imbecile when he took this job. Nobody with any good options or the slightest bit of sense would have.

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Yea maybe you are right. Maybe Iā€™m just pessimistic but I see a lot of pardons incoming.


Those pardons arenā€™t going to hold up. Thatā€™s not what the pardon power is for. The Supreme Court has strong reasons to not let them hold up either. They have lifetime appointments and there is no constitutional block to court packing. If they hold up these pardons they give the Democrats a smokescreen to do just that. They arenā€™t going to do anything super reprehensible in the next presidential term while they are still vulnerableā€¦ which means letting the bus roll over the Trumpkins, back up, and roll over them a third time.

Iā€™d honestly be fine with these idiots getting off the hook if it gave us a valid excuse to stack the court with 45 year old liberalsā€¦ Which make no mistake is what the conservatives care about. Theyā€™ll privately be very happy when the Trumpkins get theirs.

Letā€™s be really clear the tax cut and the federal court appointments is what they got paid. Tolerating the Trumpkins and taking the PR damage from that is what they paid for those things. They have nothing to gain from protecting them once they arenā€™t useful. The only reason they are (very weakly) defending them now is so that the base hopefully doesnā€™t blame them when Trump goes down.

Donā€™t be too shocked when Mitch really does let the vote to convict be a secret ballot lol.

If Trump were to lose in 2020 and then the Democrats were to burn him at the stake theyā€™d probably pretend to be sadā€¦ so that they could use him as a martyr going forward. Theyā€™d probably prefer that something really bad happen to him so that they could talk about how badly he got screwed lol. Remember that on a personal level Trump is one of the least likable people anyone anywhere has ever met. Nobody is going to be privately sorry heā€™s getting hurt. Most will probably enjoy it. You donā€™t get the kind of power these people have if you donā€™t at least somewhat enjoy watching people you donā€™t like get hurt.

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Why wouldnā€™t those pardons hold up? George H.W. Bush got away with pardoning several figures in Iran-Contra before they might have implicated him in that scandal.

Trump has already pardoned criminals and no one bats an eye.

Itā€™s always the criminals getting pardoned!