The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

it was Oz intel that shopped papadopolous’s drunken babblings

Everybody important in this administration is going to jail. Everyone.

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It’s a lock that the military is just bullshitting Trump about their top-secret hardware, just so when he brags about shit in public nothing is at risk.

I keep hearing trump surrogates (Giuliani, Jordan) trying to make a huge deal about Hunter Biden getting “$50,000 a month”.

Remember who else was getting $50,000 a month for blatant influence peddling? It was Michael Cohen, from AT&T.

And that’s on top of the $100,000 a month he was getting from Novartis.


sadly, most likely not a one of them will. We’ve seen this shit before.

In light of the recent “transcript,” as well as news that Trump personally sought to coerce the Australian prime minister, I thought it would be fun to look back at a previous transcript with the Australian PM in the early days of Trump’s presidency.

I can only imagine what it’s like trying to talk to Trump. The Australian PM and Obama made a deal a year or so before the election for the US to take refugees who first come through Australia. At the time, Australia was holding 1,250 people for about three years and had put them through extreme vetting. They knew everything about these people. Who they are, where they’re from, their connections, their political beliefs.

The PM keeps telling Trump no, you have it wrong. You are not obligated to take ANY of these people. The deal includes extreme vetting by the Trump admin. What’s the problem?

Turnbull : Can you hear me out Mr President?

Trump : Yeah, go ahead.

Turnbull : Yes, the agreement, which the vice president just called the foreign minister about less than 24 hours ago and said your administration would be continuing, does not require you to take 2,000 people. It does not require you to take any. It requires, in return, for us to do a number of things for the United States – this is a big deal, I think we should respect deals.

Trump : Who made the deal? Obama?


Turnbull: The obligation is for the United States to look and examine and take up to and only if they so choose – 1,250 to 2,000. Every individual is subject to your vetting. You can decide to take them or to not take them after vetting. You can decide to take 1,000 or 100.

Trump: This is going to kill me. I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country. And now I am agreeing to take 2,000 people and I agree I can vet them, but that puts me in a bad position. It makes me look so bad and I have only been here a week.

Turnbull : With great respect, that is not right – It is not 2,000.

Trump : Well, it is close. I have also heard like 5,000 as well.

Turnbull : The given number in the agreement is 1,250 and it is entirely a matter of your vetting.

It must be maddening to have to keep correcting Trump on basic details. And this is when the other person is on his side and actually agrees with what Trump wants.

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( twitter | raw text )

No… we totally haven’t. Everyone who was smart enough to realize that this would end in jail quit a long time ago now.

This presidency is truly without precedent. We’re seeing something totally new here. Yes there were criminal things done in the Nixon/Reagan administrations, but those guys covered their ass to a minimal degree and were followed by people from their own party. There’s a huge difference between a retreat and a rout (In a retreat you pull back while the enemy mostly has to let you, in a rout they shoot you in the ass as you attempt to run away in a disorganized mob). This is going to be the most undignified rout in the history of American politics.

Does she mean Kislyak?

I guess that’s one possibility. Here are some other possibilities.

Trump wins 2020: Lol nobody is going to jail.
Trump impeached and convicted: President Pence pardons everyone so country can heal.
Trump and Pence impeached and convicted: President Pelosi pardons everyone so country can heal.
Trump resigns: He only does it with the promise of a pardon.
Biden wins 2020: President Biden pardons everyone so country can heal.
Warren wins 2020: President Trump pardon’s everyone including himself. Country waits years for SCOTUS to rule 5-4 that the President can pardon himself.

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We got him?


If I could pick one non-Trump to put in jail, it would be Bill Barr. What an absolutely epic, unmitigated shitbag that guy is.

  1. Is basically impossible at this point. He’s triggered the libs so hard that the incoming turnout wave has the GOP so demoralized they are retiring en masse.
  2. Pence is also heavily implicated. It’s unlikely that presidents can pardon themselves legally, and there’s a very good chance that the courts decide that the pardons don’t hold up here if Pence even does pardon people.
  3. Nope.
  4. He isn’t going to care about anyone but himself and that doesn’t help him with NY state AG.
  5. Biden is utterly screwed by this and probably won’t make it to Iowa now.
  6. Warren president in 2020 the SCOTUS won’t do that because then she’d probably use it as a legitimate excuse to pack the court. They don’t care about any of these idiots anymore than anyone else does.

Dude these guys are fucked the vast majority of the time. For starters Trump probably isn’t going to be removed and charges very definitely won’t be brought before he’s already out of office. I don’t believe the president can preemptively pardon people for stuff they haven’t been even charged with yet. If he does President Warren is going to challenge that in the courts and again see line 6.

If anything the important people in this admin are in real danger of getting thrown under the bus by Trump himself in an attempt to save his own ass. This thing ends in a puddle of recrimination with a stench so bad that it’s politically infeasible to help any of them.

Seriously just wait for the transcripts of the figurative blowjobs Trump gave Putin. The humiliation we’re about to take as a nation is going to be horrifying.

Lots of very rich, very connected white men going to prison in the good ole USA is a long shot in the best of circumstances.