The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

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LOL Manafort’s name comes up.

Rep. Chris Collins to resign and plead guilty re: insider trading.

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Something something BOTH SIDES!
( twitter | raw text )

Ruh roh, Daddy apparently asked Australia to discredit Mueller.

Probably fine since they’re an ally with mostly white people?

Pompeo was in on that call w/ the president of Ukraine. No wonder shit’s hitting the fan.

Can’t see this ending well.

Complete with “coordinate this with Bill Barr.”

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Well, how many countries are there with which we have formal diplomatic relations? 200ish?


That’s easy. All of them. Every call.

We already knew from the released whistleblower report they had a server dedicated just to damning phone transcripts so there have to be more than these two.


…you stated more recently that you are in possession of evidence–in the form of text messages, phone records, and other communications–indicating that you were not acting alone and that other Trump administration officials may have been involved in this scheme.

Looking forward to Rudy continuing to implicate everyone involved :+1:

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Infrastructure Week off to an amazing start.


Why Australia?

Won’t be long before Trump calls the leader of…let’s say Armenia to help him with his Rudy problem.