The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


Those guys went to jail for the war on communism and were actually liked. Nobody likes the trumpkins. There are still plenty of right wing guys who still think Iran contra was 100% justified. Contrarily everyone is going to try to forget this whole period.

Also those pardons came from the next administration. The point of the pardon power isn’t to make people above the law.

First time in history the President will use it to pardon a totally innocent and completely exonerated man

I’m sure I’ve said it before but it’s worth noting that Mueller explicitly stated in the report that if any of the obstruction events had actually completed that the people would have been arrested (McGahn, Lewandowski, etc.). After all of the people who weren’t willing to commit these crimes were gone, all that is left are people who are willing to commit all the crimes on behalf of their dear leader.

If Mueller were going on now with these imbeciles, I can’t even imagine how many people would have been arrested. Cue someone saying: 0

I meant instead of Kissinger.

The people who wrote the Constitution were idealistic idiots who didn’t consider worst-case scenarios.

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All the optimism the last week has me genuinely uneasy. I sure hope it bears fruit.

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( twitter | raw text )

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Do you even confidence interval bro?

lol 2% of Breitbart supports impeachment you’re in trouble bro

( twitter | raw text )

Let’s be honest. He probably spent his entire executive time taking that poll over and over and over and over.


Yeah, but I bet it’s more than 2% and a lot of the 98% were trolls or bots.

I’m well aware there have been crazier tweets but the fucking President of the United States tweeting out a Breitbart poll just shook me hard.

That really happened.

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How about a NYT safari piece to talk to the 2% of Brietbart readers who voted “yes?”

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I’m going with the most ridiculous possible story: He took it once, but then it blocks taking it again. He called Cyber-security expert Rudy Guiliani to help him vote multiple times. Together they decide it’s too complex and they call some one at the NSA who sends over someone from their Help Desk who deletes the cookie so Trump can vote again.


This is actually an incredibly plausible story. These guys are idiots.




This is a good post.

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this is insanity, this barr guy