The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

No, I mean it’s literally a different map.

Some of the red counties from that map that Lara Trump tweeted are blue in the actual 2016 map that you posted here.

For example look at:

  • The Montana/Wyoming border
  • Extreme northeast Minnesota
  • The westernmost county in Nevada
  • Northeast Vermont (this is how I was certain the map was wrong)

I think it might actually be the 2004 map. Most people are just answering her tweet with a picture of Nixon’s map in which he won 49 states…

Orange county caught my eye…it’s blue now, and was in 2016

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Lets for the sake of argument assume Trump was on the D ticket when he was voted in. Does the exact same shit. Mueller is appointed as special council. All the obstruction/collusion details are the same. You think the report is presented identically. Pelosi et al are bad guys. But so is Mueller for making it easy for them all to shrug.


Congress: We want those transcripts.
Russia: Don’t release the transcripts without our consent.
WH: Welp nothing we can do.
US Americans: That sounds right.

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Would Elane Chao’s deadline to submit documents to Oversight have anything to do with McConnell making the statement affirming he’d hold the trial in the Senate?

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I think everything would happen the same way, but the D’s would be for impeachment outside of Pelosi having already shrugged off her Constitutional duty. I don’t know why you assume that all Dems are cool with a president breaking the law like this. I’m on the Dem team, but this would not be okay with me.

Saw this gem on 22 and literally LOL’d.

Rudy was on fire today. Dem’s want nothing to do with him in a hearing.

He won’t even go if Adam Schiff runs the committee.

They can demand it. Then he denies the validity of the whole committee, answers no questions, and smashes Schiff in his face.

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( twitter | raw text )

Yeah, around here we call that “Sunday.”

That is amazing, where did you get it?

( twitter | raw text )

The continued focus by both the media (e.g., “the latest details on the explosive whistleblower complaint!”) and Team Trump (e.g., “Second hand information!”) is strange.

We know (some of?) what was said on the call. They talk and Trump does crimes. Who cares what a whisteblower said anymore? Even Team Trump would be better off focusing on just trying to spin the conversation as diplomatic negotiations. current headlines on first two pages:

Page 1:

McConnell: Senate must hold trial if House Impeaches (USA Today)
Impeachment probe widens; Dems send subpoenas (Fox News)
Ex-Ukraine lawmaker: Trump wanted dirt on Biden (CBS News)

Page 2:

‘Treason’, ‘Civil War’: Trump lashes out at accusers (USA Today)
#CivilWar2 trends after Trump’s threat (Newsweek)
Trump team cranks up attacks on Schiff (Politico)

Tons of headlines about impeachment on NYT, WaPo, and CNN. Oh what a difference a week and a stupid president makes. Oh wait…

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