The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

How would the Ukranian president know about Giuliani unless someone approached him about Giuliani’s purpose prior to the phone call? This would be much less clear if Trump had mentioned Giuliani first. But he didn’t.

A Ukranian aide already said that they had to agree to investigate Biden before Trump would even agree to do a phone call. The crime is right there, and the Ukranian president gave evidence of it on the phone call unprompted. And don’t forget that $400m was being held hostage at the time of the phone call.

I don’t know where she got that map, but it’s 100% not the 2016 presidential election map.

It’s the map of counties that Trump has been bragging about since he took office.

It’s impressive if you’re a dope but for example the dark blue country in southern California is LA, where Trump got 769,743 votes, more than he received in Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


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I think this is a good take on the current situation. Also, because of Trump, a lot of “up and coming” type Republicans like Haley, Ryan and Flake are now on the sidelines. If they can find a way to show him the door now, they may get something out of it in the long run. The GOP bench is thin and can’t get much thinner. Four more years of Trump is surely going to deplete it further. Nobody can work with the guy for an extended period of time without being driven to the brink. We’ve seen this countless times already. Plus, the chances of avoiding a real crisis for another four years are pretty small and I can’t imagine they want Trump in charge when some real shit hits the fan.

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( twitter | raw text )

Too bad Utah’s lone Democratic Rep, whose constituency includes part of Salt Lake City, Ben McAdams isn’t.

So that Jeff Flake opinion piece is nothing more than him telling the GOP he’s gonna run for POTUS one day right? And they can either get behind him or continue to ride the crazy train off the rails.

Sounds like your kids have good logic, though. ;)

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Had dinner on Saturday with a group and one guy’s precious other half shows up. She’s an overbearing Facebook warrior type pushing 50.

Her: There must be something big happening in the news but I’ve been busy with work.
Me: The president is being impeached for doing the treason?
Her: No, something about Joe Biden’s son is missing.
Me: He’s not missing. Wtf are you talking about?
Her: Don’t have all the details. People are saying. Sounds suspicious. Yada yada meowchow whatabouthillary?
Me: Who is reporting this?

Well turns out it’s some lady on Facebook who saw it somewhere. I couldn’t find it with a lazy search. Anyone know if this is a Q/deepweb/chain_email thing? Also just a daily reminder that liars like Fox don’t need a lot of viewers to infect tens of millions of total idiots.

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LOL let me guess. She posts pictures of wine and complains about how hard it is to be a mommy?

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Suspect one of those stable geniusus misinterpreted “Joe Biden’s son could not be reached for comment” as omg he be fleed planet earf

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I’m not on there but the guy complains about it and said she posts about every single thing she does during the day. I mean trivial shit like making lemonade. Would also try to one-up everyone on every topic.

When I realized she was completely full of shit I started hammering her for details she never had. I think that’s a feature of the get-your-news-from-crazy-cat-ladies-on-Facebook strategy: a built-in plausible deniability. If people directly challenge your bullshit you can say you heard it from Kathy on Facebook and bail. And they know there are very few people like me who will aggressively challenge them in a social setting like that.

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