The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Whenever a GOP concretehead tries to say there was no quid pro quo on the Ukranian phone call, ask them why Rudy Giuliani was first mentioned by the Ukranian president.

In TV or radio, that would be the equivalent of bringing up a ‘green room’ conversation. Hosts are explicitly instructed (probably starting in college level courses or college radio) not to bring up something they discussed with the subject prior to going on air (destroys the illusion that the audience has less access than the host), even though it still happens all the time. Oprah Winfrey is probably the single biggest offender on this. That’s related to the host, but you will rarely (never?) hear the interviewee say, ‘you know, before we got on air, we talked about this’. It’s easily the most telling part of that conversation, and anyone who tells you otherwise has no deduction or reading comprehension skills.

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Surefire Intelligence on the case - that changes everything


Go get’em Simon.

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The blackmail continues. Every time he says the Ukrainian president never felt pressured he is just reasserting his position of blackmailing Ukraine for aid, assistance and anything else.

to add

“Burkman and Wohl, who spent 30days in Ukraine this August”

I wonder if the fence will make another appearance on instagram


Isn’t wohl under federal indictment, how did he travel to Ukraine? Wonder if he broke terms of his bail.

Nevermind, looks like charges were filed in August.

We’re in a weird timeline when people consider Trump to be the cure for the RNC turd they were sick of swallowing, and yet here we are.

that’s a pic of bond villain actor Christopher Waltz?? I presume I’m being wooshed.

“They also reported that photographs on the website depicting some of its purported employees were actually photographs of people unrelated to Surefire, including actor Christoph Waltz.”

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Doesn’t even have to be a crime. It’s just when you start using your office and you’re acting in a way that hurts people, you have committed a high crime.

You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role.

Sound familiar?

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They probably thought waltz was an actual irl Nazi Jew hunter

Why not both?


In the hearing on Thursday, Val Demings walked the acting DNI right into a trap and he didn’t even realize it. This is how these types always seem to act, in my limited interaction with them. You triangulate them down to destroying their point and when they realize they’re in checkmate they just walk away and refuse to answer the final question. It’s quite hilarious to see in action. Thankfully, I don’t really have to deal with people like this in real life, so it’s not a concern for me.

I’m saying to ask the question. Then if they answer it poorly, you ask the ‘then why did they hide it in an illegal way on a super secret computer system intentionally classifying it incorrectly?’. If they say, ‘he can use the system however he wants’, you say BUT HER EMAILZZZZZZZZZ. Chessmate. Since you have a lot of interaction with these types, give it a try and report back.

I know it’s not germane to this conversation, but if you were in a court case, I think the Ukranian president mentioning Rudy Giuliani’s name out of the blue is extremely strong evidence of an implied quid pro quo once you lump them in with Rudy’s incriminating statements. That’s completely illegal, and is 100 percent an impeachable offense. That it happened on a ‘routine’ phone call with no access restrictions above normal is chef’s kiss.

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Trump is kinda like the Republican party’s Vietnam. They saw no way to avoid getting involved and escalating, but they also realized, for some immediately and for others much too late, that they needed an exit strategy.

That is really the central question for the GOP at this point. What is the Trump exit strategy? Can they fake it for another year? Five just seems impossible, but damn if they haven’t gotten judges and tax cuts and they are in real trouble without Trump voters. Their best out would be his unfortunate natural demise.

But he has really started to stink up the place and has definitely worn out his welcome, and they can’t depend on luck. I expect there to be increased efforts to implement a Trump exit strategy. If that ultimately means impeachment, well, at least they had some good times.

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Mueller presented his finding in such a way Pelosi knew it was political suicide to use them as the bedrock of impeachment. Mueller didn’t have to present them that way he chose to for political reasons. Mueller knew the vast majority of the American public are ignorant as fuck about collusion and obstruction and have the attention span of a gnat. And yet he chose to present his finding a if the complete opposite were true. All this bollocks about he had a narrow avenue of enquirey when he was a political appointment charged with delivering a political report. And that is what he did!

Can you explain what you mean by this?

President commits impeachable acts that are very easy to lay out. Jurisdiction for impeachment is the Congress. The House members swear an oath to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. Trump is clearly a domestic enemy of the Constitution. Nancy Pelosi abdicates her Constitutional duty because it’s ‘political suicide’. Yes, Mueller’s the bad guy here. Come on. I’m not saying you have to like how it was presented, but it absolutely for sure was not his job to tell Congress what to do. He for sure didn’t think Barr would make that decision, or he wouldn’t have left the wiggle room for him to do so.

There’s no reason to bring Guiliani up in the first place. Rudy is Trump’s personal lawyer and doesn’t speak for the United States.