The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

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You feel this way about pretty much everyone though, so it falls a bit flat. Pelosi deserves way more scorn than Mueller…way, way, way more scorn.

Hey how are those counterintelligence investigations that spun off from Mueller’s stuff going? Hands? Bueller?

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Is Mitch really throwing Trump under the bus? I thought for sure the Senate was Trump’s firewall, but now I don’t know what to think.


You probably won’t ever know what they are. In relation to the other investigations, Schiff suggested that he knows what the referred investigations are, and that they’re depending on whistleblowers to let them know if any are manipulations coming out of the DOJ.

So you don’t feel that way about any GOP people? If you feel that way about just about all Dems, you must also feel that way about practically everyone else because they are the ‘best’ we’ve got at this key moment in history.

When you have such an abundance of hate about so many, it’s hard to think anyone in the general public outside of rabid right wingers and hand wringing left wingers feel the same way about Mueller (a lot of people feel this way accurately about Pelosi).

In some types of judged competitions, they throw out the highest and lowest score. Your score would almost always be the one thrown out, regardless of how ‘correct’ it might be in your own eyes.

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Been saying it forever. Trump is the useful idiot for the GOP. None of them supported him until it was obvious he was going to be the nominee. They didn’t change their minds about him. They still hate him and still want him gone.

What is hell is a “perfect conversation”? Nobody has ever, or will ever, be dumber.

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Who would you have preferred the Trump appointed acting head of DOJ to appoint to be the special counsel? I really think they best you were going to get was Mueller, an impartial company man many of the worst GOP members thought was a good choice.

Your expectation, if right, would be that it would be a sham investigation. It wasn’t, it just remained very narrow, while laying out all kinds of impeachable offenses. In other words, he delivered a roadmap of impeachment to the House. The problem was Pelosi didn’t think it was enough because she’s a something something power hungry coward who’s willing to sell our country out to just to retain her own power.

I don’t think Pete is nefarious, but I have trust issues with him specifically because of his background.

SavageHat :sunglasses:

Geez people let’s not all Charlie Brown at once over that Senate memo.


Just accept there will at least be a sham trial, and you can avoid going down the rabbit hole of 100 posts on this.

I agree there will a trial and it will be a total sham. My point was about the “Is Mitch suddenly pro-impeachment” posts.

They really trying to scare this WB into shutting the fuck up.

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In b4 the WB is killed followed by several “troubled” republicans.


If you’re looking for a hope meter, put it in that he will do a secret vote so those 35 cowards in the GOP can vote for conviction in private. He’s allowed to do anything he wants in the trial.

Is the whistleblower even necessary at this point? (S)he wasn‘t witness to anything and only pointed out what needs to be investigated.

Plot twist: The whistleblower was Jeffrey Epstein


Why joe why!?!?!

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