The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I barely checked the bot thread on older software, newer software this thread is pretty enjoyable and love the bot now.

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This is another bad assessment by you. It was blatantly obvious he wanted Congress to act on their duty. He canā€™t help it people like Pelosi cared much more about their own power self-preservation over the very obvious crimes laid out in the report. And heā€™s certainly not going to say that the president is a criminal. That completely violates his due process. The president gets his due process during an impeachment trial or during a criminal proceeding when the president leaves office. Thatā€™s it.

Criticism of Mueller is misplaced, all criticism goes to Pelosi for not acting on the crimes that were committed over crimes that were being covered up. Thatā€™s it. If Mueller colors outside the lines, it will be endless criticism of that. If he doesnā€™t indict (rightly), it will be endless criticism of that. He felt the best way to look impartial was to do what he was told. Was it disappointing he didnā€™t expand out (that we know of, though he shipped a bunch of stuff off)? Sure, but that wasnā€™t his job. Heā€™s a company man.

This is all about an abdication of Constitutional duty by Pelosi, who by proxy asked probably close to 125 people in the House to also abdicate their duties (could be more, and a bunch ignored her to do their duty). Put all criticism on Pelosi, as there is more than enough to impeach in the Mueller report and all that stuff had already been investigated. It was something that would also allow it to happen quickly. Pelosiā€¦oops. She stumbled into beating flopped quads with a pocket pair all in on the flop. She gets zero credit here.

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23% of Republicans approving impeachment hearings is actually a big thing. Itā€™s a huge difference than the 90% that always support him no matter what.

A statement, eh? Hope it was strongly-worded.

Republican leadership is McConnell.

This memo is somewhat remarkable and a change in tune from earlier statements heā€™s made threatening to refuse to hold the trial.

The optimist in me wants me to take it as a message to the white house, but Iā€™m trying to quit.

Moscow Mitch finally feeling some heat?

This is one thing that still amazes me. Basically everyone who lives in or around NYC was screaming about how much of a shitbag Trump was when he was running for office, just a consistently shit person, real shit, like that amazing pile at the park where a dog shits on another dogā€™s pile of shit, and no one paid any attention!

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Seems shook.


Bigly shook, I expect some Republicans to be troubled by his dictatorial tweets, possibly even deeply.

Very stable.
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VERY stable.

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The 2020 presidential election is going to be a corrupt, infiltrated fucking mess, and thatā€™s exactly what Trump and Barr want. Get used to hearing, ā€œHold on, letā€™s figure this outā€ as Trump inexplicably remains in office and Dems wonder whatā€™s going on. Iā€™m marching or more when this happens.


His messaging seemsā€¦ poor?

If youā€™re going to run with ā€œDo Nothing Democratsā€ itā€™s probably best not to constantly list the stuff theyā€™re doing.