The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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( twitter | raw text )

That didnā€™t happen.
And if it did, it wasnā€™t that bad.
And if it was, thatā€™s not a big deal.
And if it is, thatā€™s not my fault.
And if it was, I didnā€™t mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

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There are still at least 11 (the Gregory Craig one resulted in acquittal, and Iā€™m assuming that was one of them) ongoing cases that were referred to other places we know nothing about. A lot of this leniency stuff, and saying stuff was ignored is way too early to come to a conclusion about.

Mueller was tasked extremely narrowly investigate the 2016 shenanigans. He wasnā€™t investigating the meeting with the Russians in the oval office. If he came across that in his work (nothing suggests he didnā€™t as that story was reported widely at the time), he would have referred it elsewhere for investigation. What happens after that was out of his purview, and anything that wasnā€™t in his purview was referred.

Too many people on here wanted something his investigation wasnā€™t (this is exactly what the GOP QAnon people do for reference). He doesnā€™t color outside the lines, and thatā€™s just absolutely plainly obvious to anyone who paid any attention to his bio. Heā€™s like the polar opposite of the acting DNI.

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Come on man, this is just a horrifically bad take.

Imagine how nightmarish this thread would be if the bot posted retweets.



Inject that shit straight into my veins

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For those who complain about trump bot it could be much much worse. We donā€™t see his retweets which are the bulk of his tweets.

Iā€™ve come close to putting the bot on ignore. Sometimes itā€™s insufferable even without the retweets, but pretending he doesnā€™t exist is a privilege I donā€™t wish to exercise.


I follow the Gallup bi-weekly approval poll and pretty much just that one to be consistent.

The next update is coming soon and it covers pretty much the whole time since the whistleblower complaint became big news and only that time. If it doesnā€™t take a substantial dip, Iā€™m giving up on Trumpā€™s approval really doing anything other than hanging out around 40%.


Mark Hamill dunking on the Trumps never gets old.


Check out this guy coming in off the top rope with the spicy quote of an article from April. You feeling chatty about the Comey letter or Bill Bar or nah?

Who actually cares what he was tasked with? Who actually cares what the scope of his investigation was supposed to be? If you think the POTUS probably colluded with the Russian government to win election you get to the bottom of it absolutely including the guys finances. Then you make it public, and not in a subtle way.

I get that heā€™s a straight shooter who colors inside the lines, but the way the report was written and the way he answered questions afterwards basically guaranteed that actually doing anything about his findings would be as difficult as possible.

He doesnā€™t get credit for the fact that his report was actually damning if you read it fully. Those facts were what they were and if heā€™d avoided them any more than he did heā€™d himself be guilty of a coverup. He presented those findings in the most obtuse and difficult to access way he could get away with.

The guy is definitely more interested in preserving his own ass than he is in the well being of the country in other words. Following rules to the letter with the most conservative possible reading of those rules is a choice. That choice had consequences.

Weā€™ve got a mafia boss for a president. If ever there were a moment when bending the rules to be slightly more aggressive than necessary was appropriate this would be it. He absolutely could have told Congress directly ā€œIf Donald Trump was anyone other than the POTUS heā€™d already have been arrestedā€. Something quotable. Heā€™s more than qualified to make that kind of pronouncement.

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Conducted between September 26 and 27, taken among a nationally representative sample of 2,059 US residents. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 points

  • 55% of Americans think the newly-opened probe necessary
  • 45% of Americans think it unnecessary

For reference, 48% thought it unnecessary for Nixon when impeachment began, and that was AFTER Nixon accepted the resignations of his top aides John Ehrlichman and H.R. Haldeman. Trump is starting out underwater, and he hasnā€™t even ā€œfiredā€ Mulvaney yet.

Among Democrats, nearly 9 in 10 approve of the inquiry and two-thirds strongly approve.

  • 87% of Democrats approve of the inquiry
  • 77% of Republicans disapprove

Among Independents

  • 49% approve
  • 51% disapprove

Specifically concerning impeachment over Ukraine:

  • 42% saying he does deserve to be impeached over his actions
  • 36% saying he does not
  • 22% say itā€™s too soon to say

And it breaks down really weird inside there. LOL forever at 31%.

  • 41% ā€“ including most Democrats ā€“ say he acted illegally
  • 28% ā€“ including most Republicans ā€“ say he acted properly
  • 31% ā€“ say Trumpā€™s actions may have been improper but were nonetheless legal
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