The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

This is my take as well. Like, if Dems had impeached after Mueller released his report or testimony, our perception of his work would be very different. The report was damning beyond expectation. The issue is that Dems decided it wasn’t enough, not that it wasn’t ACTUALLY enough.


While I agree In general, he did a horrible job on the stand and his refusal to make a determination of guilt at the end was horrible and will be judged harshly by history.


Mueller’s mistake was giving people leniency. LOL @ throwing someone in jail for 2 weeks. But it’s on Nancy that they didn’t impeach immediately. It’s not a coincidence that this phone call occurred the day after Mueller’s testimony. Trump knew he got away with it. It’s why he did it again and it’s why he still thinks he did nothing wrong. If he wasn’t held accountable for Russia, why would he be held accountable for this?

This is the single biggest thing that pisses me off about the Dems. They keep thinking Trump is going to play by the rules and they act like he’s playing by the rules. I grew up in the NYC area back in the 80’s and even I knew Trump was a con artist when I was 10. At least once a month Trump would make the local news over some dumb shit. Trump has ALWAYS been this way.

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This one made me laugh IRL

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Everyone should be on team fuck mueller imo. He completely punted, completely shirked his duty, and completely blew his chance to do the right thing.


I think it’s more like they think the Republicans in Congress will play by the rules and hold Trump accountable.

There’s no such thing as bipartisanship anymore. It’s why any presidential candidate talking about civility and returning to previous norms is a major wood killer for me. Dems need to fight partisanship with more partisanship.

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Yeah we’re at war and they started it. Now we should finish it. You can’t negotiate with people who aren’t acting in good faith.

You can try, but your country/forum ends up getting overrun by Nazis.


They decided that because of how Mueller decided to present his findings. Not saying they were right, but Mueller went way out of his way to make sure there would be a significant political cost for them to pursue it… and saying he didn’t know that’s what he was doing is silly.

I think Mueller being good friends with Barr is semi important in retrospect. Birds of a feather.

That wasn’t his job! It’s clearly Congress’s role to make that determination, his job was to get them all the facts they needed. Putting him on the stand was a stupid move because he made it clear he wasn’t going to tell them anything that wasn’t in the report and wasn’t going to give an explicit green light to impeach Trump.

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god bless DeNiro


“It’s amazing what gymnastics you guys will go through to defend [Biden.]” Jordan said.

“It’s not gymnastics! It’s facts!” Tapper exclaimed. “And I would think somebody who’s been accused of things in the last year or two would be more sensitive about throwing out wild allegations against people.”

Tapper: I wouldn’t bring up gymnastics if I were you, Gym.


This is pretty damning as it proves Trump was working extra ordinarily hard to find dirt on political opponents through the use of personal attorneys. Makes it much harder for him to successfully claim what he was doing with Ukraine was for the good of the country.
( twitter | raw text )

Should we be using his approval rating as a bases on whether this is working or not? Since we all agree removal is still super unlikely as long as he has support. The other hope is that this suppresses his support enough that he has no chance in the election.

Obviously it’s too early to see much movement, when should we be expecting it to actually start to be a good indicator?