The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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There is no off position on the greed switch.

Well A. This Ukraine shizz happened after the Muller Report was over and B. He canā€™t prosecute the president.

The Muller hate is misplaced. He gave them Dems everything they needed, they were too chickenshit to do anything with his findings


Rudy on stephanopoulos

I wonder if it says ā€œdifference of opinionā€ under cause of death on the death certificates of the children who died in ICE custody.

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Strongly disagree.

First, Mueller took at face value a VERY thin OLC opinion that the President canā€™t be indicted, which, taken to its logical conclusion means the President is above the law if his party has 34 Senate seats.

Second, his public statements were horseshit. We all know Americans are stupid and lazy and have the attention span of a fly. He had a duty to dispense with the coy coded language and scream from the mountaintops ā€œTRUMP IS A GOD DAMN CRIMINAL AND ONGOING THREAT TO AMERICA.ā€

Third, just LOL at all the deals he gave the Trump Administration criminals to cooperate and get no punishment, only to basically give Trump a pass in the end. Why the hell isnā€™t Don Jr. being prosecuted? Hope Hicks? Rob Porter? There are dozens more.

He did the absolute minimum to try to maintain his reputation while abdicating his core duty. Fuck Robert Mueller.


They def should have impeached Trump as soon as they took control of the congress but Nancy got lucky she fell into a better case he has a real chance of getting ousted for.

Thatā€™s the consensus view of most of the people whoā€™ve studied this. I mean good luck spending years in the courts fighint that battle. Despite what everyone says, the President is above the law.

Muller gave the Dems everything they needed in a completely credible and objective investigation. Deciding whether or not to impeach is 100% the responsibility of Congress, and the House Dems decided to not do their job.


Without the whistle blower how was he supposed to know that transcripts were being classified so highly that no one had access to them? Do you think he had access to those documents, looked at them and just moved on?
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Second hand information but the transcript they already released confirms that second hand information? They arenā€™t doing a very good job of muddying the waters hereā€¦ thatā€™s because they already entered a guilty plea lol.


I disagree with the criticism of Mueller for choosing to abide by the OLC opinion. The Office of Legal Counsel functions similarly to the House and Senate parliamentarians. The parliamentarians are technically advisory, but are rarely overruled. It would be similarly hard for someone within the executive branch at a level below president to overrule any OLC opinion. Obviously, this creates problems when the president is a potential subject of a special counsel investigation.

Your conclusion is also not completely logical, because it assumes that Senators would never vote to impeach a member of their own party.

One of the flaws of the US Constitution is that it assumes that members of Congress are people of good will who donā€™t belong to a political party. The Republican Party has been able to stymie government because there is no defined role for parties.


No class, innocence, or rhyming words, either.

I Dont get it?

Rudy is like if luckbox, inc were the presidentā€™s personal attorney.

Plus I like when Rudy says Chiner


No one ever fucking asks if Giuliani or the rest of the MAGA chuds are undermining the seriousness of this very serious impeachment.

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Coming attractions.


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Rudy legit looked like he had a seizure in that 10 second clip.