The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Lol, Trump’s winning play was to executive privilege the shit out of everything and then say there is not enough proof. Lol at him doing the exact opposite and demanding everything be aired out.

Fox tried to kill Trump early but they had long since commenced getting high on their own supply and their viewers were addicts incapable of overdosing on the freebase racism.

No the WB is meaningless at this point which makes the GOP witch hunt even worse. It’s purely to confuse their low information base (aka 100% of it) and will only result in increased danger to the WB.

They simply don’t care if the WB is killed.
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1 term Democrat Jefferson Van Drew of NJ.
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I’ve never heard of Jeff Van Drew before tonight, but he can fuck right off.

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The POTUS gets his news on what the State Department is doing from Fox and Friends.

Justice department is typically in charge of witness protection. Marshall Service runs it, wouldn’t want Barr keeping me safe.

“Acid Washed”

dude even BleachBit - the ccleaner type software used - is laughing at you



I’ve been knowing he was a coward for about a week. Only NJ person not on the record.

Wonder what Schiff thinks of Donny threatening him.

I read the WaPo article, though Trump’s story is a lie, the true story is bad enough. The owner of Hunter’s company is a lolobvious highly corrupt piece of shit whose company is founded on massive corruption (the founder getting his companies granted highly valuable licenses/rights while he was a government official). And he got exactly what he bargained for in hiring Hunter (and other known Westerners). The impression that he was highly connected to Western governments so Ukranian authorities shouldn’t fuck with him. Fuck off Joe, would be awesome if this scandal takes them both down.

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loool right he should have written a letter asking networks to give Rudy his own one hour show. Also what is sleepy creepy quid pro joe trying to hide?

Someone in Joe’s camp is baiting Giuliani. He’s the gift that keeps on staying stupid chit. Joe’s peeps know the ghoul won’t stop and this is a way to make sure of it.
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Can we temp ban the bot for tonight? JFC this guy won’t STFU.
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