The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Trump: You can’t spell L-A-M-E without ME!


Seems like they could have easily claimed executive privilege on the phone call and called the whistleblower report fake news from a biden supporter and this would not have been a big deal at all.

They can’t claim executive privilege on the phone call. Those memos are intended for other cabinet members. They were hiding them from the other cabinet members, whose work depends on the policy that is pushed on those phone calls. How they did it was super illegal, but they sure will make it easy to get everything that’s needed by the committees putting it in that convenient place.

The only reason this phone call was known was that it was supposed to be a ‘routine’ phone call, and had no restrictions on access outside of normal procedure. He obviously went wildly off script in front of a minimum of several people who had a problem with what he said.

I mean they’ve claimed executive privileged on a ton of shit they aren’t allowed to and so far nothing has stopped that from working. And they’ve ignored all subpoenas.

But I’m guessing McConnell feels like just based off the phone call Trump can beat this, but if they had continued to cover it up and dems eventually got the call it would have been all over for certain.

The original! GJ, GE

Ideal strategy is this, but the plan should be made clear from the beginning. Justify it by saying “We’ve uncovered evidence of repeated abuses of power. We’re voting to send this narrowly scoped article of impeachment to the Senate now because the ongoing conduct of the President is an immediate threat to national security. We will continue to investigate and expect to bring additional counts as the evidence is brought to light.” Get ahead of the Republican’s messaging after they acquit on the first impeachment trial and we send them another, because you know they’re going to trot out the" President was already cleared, no re-do’s!" line. Also let them know that this will be a continuous barrage through the election so they can either cut their losses early or gamble on keeping the ship afloat until next November.

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Those ashes were the accused. I’d take it.

If I was given 100:1 I wouldn’t bet $5 Trump could describe the impeachment process.

snapple got this one on lockdown yall


It would be nice if, while doing all this impeachment stuff, some political critters pointed out that this has not been anything close to the greatest economy in US history, and that the military was never rebuilt, as it had never lost anything, unless he’s talking about lifting the spending caps the Freedom Caucus dorks forced through because of zomg deficit. In other words, now that the Dems have everybody’s attention, it wouldn’t hurt to use the megaphone to blast all of the other bullshit coming out of the dotard regime.

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You can’t commit libel on the floor of Congress…
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218 votes in the House

To convict: 67 votes in the Senate


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To avoid giving clicks to the Federalist, the linked article states that the CIA recently changed their whistleblower requirements so that first hand knowledge is no longer required. To be clear, the current whistleblower complaint was made under the new guidance, but I guess because it wouldn’t have met the previous standard that somehow vindicates Trump?

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Apparently the State Department has started (re)investigating email useage by people who worked under Hillary when she was Sec’y of State. The official line is that the investigation has been going on for years and is merely slow moving. My spidey sense thinks it ramped up again because (a) Pompeo wanted to rattle some cages amongst the civil service folks and (b) some of the folks who worked under Clinton are or will become foreign policy advisors to D candidates.