The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I know Trump thinks talking about HRC’s emails is going to help him here, but it really won’t. It actually makes him look terrible that he’s been using the state departments resources to chase this bullshit.

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Hillary Clinton will have been dead for over 50 years but Emperor Barron Trump will continue investigating her emails.


For sure. Also, even if that stuff were true, it doesn’t make his crimes okay. You can’t get out of an armed robbery rap because you helped your neighbor build a garage or something.

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I woulda gone w Rudy Colludiani


who gave him the idea to keep falsely claiming VA choice? obama passed va choice in 2014 to my knowledge… it wasn’t even close to a trump accomplishment.

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George Conway is an epic piece of shit. That said, him schooling Lynzie is pretty enjoyable.


Anyone have a line to the folks at B&J?


Yeah it is absolutely the wrong move.

And clearly they haven’t found shit because they would have trumpeted it from the rooftops if they had found a single solitary bad thing. So it was exactly what it looked like… a great big nothingburger.

Look I’m not pretending that procedural issues don’t matter… but that’s very different than fucking up on substantial stuff… And Trump and co are doing stuff that is just obviously wildly not OK on a near daily basis. And obviously I’m not talking about procedure.

I complained when Cohen was written off the show, but they’ve really done a masterful job developing this Rudy character. Almost Shakespearean.


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Rudy pleading to Dems is just chef’s kiss

Fuck off old man. Maybe next time don’t attach yourself to a goon that’s willing to throw you under the bus for a cheeseburger.

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Man I hope he is as apoplectic as he seems.

He’s appropriating No Justice, No Peace

This Presidency is like nothing we will ever see again. Truly amazing.


Kinda hoping they find something on HRC because lol who’s going to believe him?


I used to, but that was way back in the day when Ben & Jerry’s was owned by Ben and Jerry.

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