The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Why restrict it to SA, Ukraine and Russia? They should subpoena every communication that was moved to that server that wouldn’t routinely be moved there.

Especially if the ratings dip. Nothing is more likely to generate readers and clicks than giving supporters and opposition a new supply of outrage and self-righteousness. I wish it wasnt so, but they’re more addictive than a lot of actual drugs.

I think being somewhat surgical sells better to the public. Being targeted looks more like an investigation rather than a blind fishing expedition. Obviously more can be subpoenaed later.

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He supported the chinese gvt’s role in the Tiananmen square massacre years after the fact. And for no reason other than the love of stomping on faces. He didn’t even gain anything from it, he just liked seeing it happen.

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For context these figures use the OECD measure, which is poverty being 50% of the median household income. For the US that means a household income of 31,600 dollars in 2018.

I looked it up because I knew the UK government itself reports child poverty at ~30% at the moment, so wondered why the UK was 13% in the list. In the UK child poverty is measured at 60% of median income, so that rise accounts for over half of the children it thinks are living in poverty.

He already called for it once with his second amendment people comment and threat against the electoral college. Trump would have no issue killing millions if it kept him out of jail and in power.


Would it be nuts if during the impeachment hearings dems simply turned theirs backs or left every time It was a republicans turn to speak?

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Back to thinking the dam is breaking, I’m glad things got worse for Trump over the last couple of days rather than simmering down. They should absolutely hammer this server and get everything off of it related to Ukraine, Russia, and SA. The coverups always end up looking worse than the crimes.

I would agree about the coverups being worse than the crimes normally… but not with this guy. Trump has absolutely no idea what the lines are or what he can get away with and absolutely hates being told no. The Ukraine thing right now is much worse than the coverup. In fact the coverup looks rushed and poorly executed mostly because the crime itself was so blatant and so obviously terrible for him.

Normally the person you’re chasing knew what the rules were, knew what the risks were, and thought they had a pretty good shot at covering it up. The crime is usually on the edges of the furthest reaches of the grey area between legal and illegal and they cover it up to prevent a PR disaster and end up doing something worse in the coverup.

That’s not what happened here. We have no road map for this situation because we haven’t had a president dumb enough to do something like this since… probably ever. He went out and extorted a foreign government (who are an ally!) to help him manufacture dirt on a political opponent lol. Doing something like this literally would have never occurred to any president from at least living memory.

You hate to see it.


So apparently Moscow Mitch convinced Trump to release the transcript of the phone call. Why would he do that unless he wants Trump out of office?

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Well, it might occur to them, but it would go the same way as when I look at rush hour traffic and imagine what would happen if I just gunned it Fast and Furious style. Tempting, but that fantasy falls apart fast, I chuckle, and I wait two hours to drive five miles just like everyone else.

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To try to get ahead of the call before the whistleblower report was handed over to Congress.

Why does this matter? Fox News and their ilk will spin it as a fishing expedition anyways. I think Dems should just go on a massive fishing expedition and agitate their base to think of the Trump administration as wall-to-wall scandal.

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Dems need to completely disregard any thoughts of how Fox News might spin this or how angry racists in Florida might react. They’re not the people you need to be targeting with information! The inquiry doesn’t need to be short and to the point, nor does it need to last 12 months and cover every minor transgression. It needs to be prominent and clear. Get as much dirt as you can find and report it far and wide in simple terms, with agreed talking points and clear, confident messaging.

The reluctant voters, the lazy and apathetic, the disengaged and the disinterested are the people who need to get motivated and get out to vote this fat, stupid, self-obsessed, greedy, vicious piece of shit out of office. Mobilise them and Trump gets murder smashed next November, whether or not a single economically anxious red hat wearing racist imbecile is somehow ever persuaded.


Where are you seeing the mission statement to pull in on here (can you link me to where you pulled those as it wasn’t obvious in the articles)?

I’m aware of this organization because of something I’m developing (that’s all I’m willing to say about that), and there has been close to no information about this kind of stuff. This mission statement is going into my research, so thanks for digging that up.

Here’s a wikipedia article about the organization for more info:

The main gist of what was going on (that you may or may not remember) is that in the 1970s the religious right was completely reliable…to not vote. These people saw that huge bloc as a valuable way to shape policy in the future. Their goal was to turn them into reliable voters. It worked and they are now the single most reliable voting bloc in this country.

Fox isn’t the only source of news here. Fox will spin it however, but to low-info voters who watch the evening news sometimes, a narrative of “Congressional Democrats have received reports of specific wrongdoing, and so they have issued subpoenas for relevant information” is a better, cleaner story than “Congress is investigating literally every action of the Trump administration so as to find anything.” People have a sense of probable cause, even if it doesn’t really apply in these cases. Also, the wider the net that’s cast, the impression that is being given is that it’s smaller and smaller things that you’re looking for. If you subpoena an immense trove of everything, and then you find one thing, it’s only logical to conclude that everything else was just fine. There’s not a finite number of subpoenas here. Congress can get the next thing next, so being precise has little cost. If everything they get this time around is rife with rampant ciminality, it’s also an easier sell that this wasn’t just a one-off thing, and we do need to investigate everything.

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