The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Weirdly, I’ve never gotten the sense Trump has any interest in actually using the military. In a weird way, he’s not a 100/100 piece of shit human in that he doesn’t have COMPLETE indifference to mass death like Hitler/Putin/Milosivic types. He’s of course an enormous coward, but what I’m describing is different.

While he obviously is fine to goad idiots into individual horrific acts, I’m not as worried as most he will actually start a war. He’s still orders of magnitude less bad than W on the carnage front.


They will scream witch hunt regardless of what is done.

The Dem strategy, as posted earlier, is to have Ukraine front and center. I agree. For the server, subpoena everything on it pertaining to Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and Russia. If they resist, go to court. If you win and they still resist, then it’s impeachment article #2. Seems obvious.

They should be doing this non-fucking-stop. Every time the GOP shows that it is not for America but for Trump, every time they shirk their duty, every time they support the rich over the rest of us it should be called out in big letters all over the place. If what you’re doing isn’t causing you to be shamed it isn’t shameful. Not calling all of their bullshit out empowers them to do more bullshit.

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I’m not sure it’s even coming from the WH, but I’ve already seen the media begin to explain it away that it started after calls with Mexico and Australia were “leaked.”

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That all sounds good if there was a 0.0000000000000001% chance of a single GOP member growing a conscience and doing the right thing. Given there is not the appeals are simply idiotic. The left should completely ignore the GOP as any kind of partner and focus on what they can actually do.

This isn’t the same as emails. This is the government covering up wrong doing by classifying things as national security sensitive that aren’t, which is bad, and has its own national security implications.

I will say, it is just impressive how wrong you are.

It is also provable without any hand waving. You can’t say “unless there is a statement from the President saying no aid unless you meddle then there is no quid pro quo”, so it is less easy to spin as Fake News by the idiots who support Trump. They’ll still do it, but it will sound even stupider and be more likely to energize the rest of us to vote this idiot out.

You seem to be having difficulty parsing the difference between what is right and what is political. As I already said several times of course this is different than EMAILS. You and I know that. So what. That is not the point. Politically it’s not going to be seen as different by the masses.

Don’t think I want to test this theory. He is currently orders of magnitude less than W on the carnage front but I’d say his ceiling is a heck of a lot higher.

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There are a whole lot of people in this country, I think it’s ok that some of them are pointing out that the GOP is a hollow shell of what it used to be and no longer has any character. Doing so is likely to prevent at least 1 voter from voting in 2020. There is a difference between campaigning on it and some twitter person bringing it up. “the left” should be energizing its base with what it is going to do and demotivating the opposition by pointing out they are frauds and criminals.

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For years, the Interior Department resisted proposals to raise the height of its towering Shasta Dam in Northern California. The department’s own scientists and researchers concluded that doing so would endanger rare plants and animals in the area, as well as the bald eagle, and devastate the West Coast’s salmon industry downstream.

But the project is going forward now, in a big win for a powerful consortium of California farmers that stands to profit substantially by gaining access to more irrigation water from a higher dam and has been trying to get the project approved for more than a decade.

For much of the past decade, the chief lobbyist for the group was David Bernhardt. Today, Mr. Bernhardt is the Interior Secretary.


Anything FOX is given will be spun. Literally anything.

Do you remember Grey Poupon-gate? Tan Suitgate? Butheremailsgate? BENGHAZZZZZIIIIIIII?

Starting to get it? If the goal is “Don’t give FOX things to spin” the democrats can do literally nothing, ever.


I agree and want to point out that my points today are different than his. Pretending you can prevent Fox from spinning is insane. My point about not targeting the GOPs conscience is the same one.

Neither will ever, under any circumstances no matter how egregious, do the right thing.

Appealing to them to do so is effectively the same as asking the sun not to rise tomorrow.

There was a time I believed this, I don’t any more. Given the opportunity, and on the condition he thought it would increase his own power and wealth, he’d kill millions in a heartbeat.

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Trump may not like mass catastrophes, like those brought on by war. But it would be interesting to hear what he said to MBS about the Khashoggi murder. Would any of us be surprised if Trump was more sympathetic to MBS and the “unfair” criticism than he was to the journalist who was brutally killed and dismembered?

Hitler and Milosivic weren’t indifferent to mass death. It was their objective and they thought it was good. Being indifferent to mass death, like Trump, is very dangerous, but less dangerous than if you think it’s the right thing like Hitler, Milosivic, Henry Kissinger or…well, others…but I’ll stop my edgelording at Kissinger.

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I’m getting mad thinking about this, but the number one Democratic candidate was a strong advocate for military adventurism that has actually led to millions of deaths.

That was me. They won’t run with it yet, it’s not overt enough and there’s too much other news. Next week when he tries again, they might fall for it.