The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Idiots need to stop appealing to the GOP. Those appeals might piss me off more than trumps tweets.

Ken Starr is on Fox defending Trump. It’s much different than Clinton. What Clinton did was horrifying and Trump committed no crimes. He’s just trusting his instincts and wants to run a pure government. The real shame is those confidential conversations being leaked.

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Saw Ta-Nehisi Coates speak in DC last night, and he did a great rant where he called Trump a “savage” repeatedly. Basically making the argument that such a person achieving the ultimate prize in Western civilization (becoming POTUS) is clear proof of the power of white supremacy.

Seems unlikely, but feels like Trump somehow got wind of this and decided it would make a great attack on his opponent.

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I’d like to see John Kelly subpoenaed. He strike me like somebody who might re-locate their nutsack once the wind is turning.

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Foolish to paraphrase what Mueller said. Republicans will savage him for not sticking to a direct quo–


We’ve got big beautiful child poverty rates, they’re yuge.


+1 point for whoever ITT predicted Trump would tweet something racist to distract. Will the media run with it and forget all about this Ukraine flavor of the week?

Of course

The server part of this is sooooooooooooooo the wrong angle to attack. We all spent years mocking EMAILS. You and I know this is different but that is not the point. It’s looks the same.

Dems need to laser focus on the quid pro quo and request for election interference.

All they have to do is start calling the literal dozens of people who have committed criminal acts and start either rolling them or putting them in jail. The criminality is so rampant and constant and out in the open, it can’t be covered up with even a marginally competent process. And most of the people in danger hate trump, once the dam breaks it’s all over.

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The recent episode of Amicus (A SCOTUS podcast) makes a strong claim dems should focus on one count only. Shotgun approach provides ammunition to the witch hunt crowd.

Pointing out hypocrisy seems useful until you realize the other person thrives on it

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The server becomes important if conversations between Trump and Russians or Trump and MBS come to light.

I’m not saying don’t find and investigate the server. Just don’t make the coverup the focus of Impeachment.

I know why the server is important in a criminal sense.

Impeachment isn’t a standard trial though. It’s a political one. If everyone pretends otherwise we lose.

Someone was saying that on TV… The crime is big enough, the cover up is just topping.

I’d like to see them bring in some Top prosecution lawyers this week to make a statement.

Unless there actually something more on the tapes, which is very possible.

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I read this thread before bed last night and dreamed that he launched a false-flag nuclear attack on California. It was terrible, and I blame you. For the dream, not the nuclear attack.

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