The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

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NRA put Russia in contact with the fellowship and the CNP, both secretive christian right organizations with connections to voter machine manufacturing.

If not familiar with The Council for National Policy, here’s a good and scary read

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So fucking salty lmao

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A hearty GJGE to Robert Mueller, Esquire for uncovering neither the Oval Office treason nor the NRA treason. Just a fine, upstanding, hard-working patriot civil servant, that one. Millions well spent on that sham assed bullshit investigation. Treason staring you right in the face and you either can’t fucking see it or looked the other way.


Lol, if the Republicans honestly thought they could impeach Obama they’d have done it with no hesitation

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There it is. Drink.

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We are all already in the social security database. I doubt that a voter database would impact privacy any more.

My father in law wouldn’t get an EZ pass toll transponder until we pointed at that there are automated plate readers and they already know where he is on major highways.

Cats out of the bag on privacy it seems.

Pretty soon he’ll be going full “Lonesome Rhodes”.

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The gist of this article is good, but it raises a few points that I’m not a huge fan of.

For one, the existence of a Deep State is a pure Trumpism in that there is no government-wide organization that repels outsiders. Portraying the whistle-blower in this way plays in to Trump’s framing of the world.

However, somewhat contradictory, we have to resist the notion that this whistle is credible only because the whistle-blower is from the Intelligence Community. It’s dangerous to emphasize the source too much, as it’s the act that truly matters. Additionally, we can’t let the IC be framed as The Only True Patriots here. We’ve gone through the same thing with the military for decades. While I trust the motives of most of the IC, including this whistle-blower, they’re still the group responsible for mass surveillance of US citizens and foreigners–we have to be able to manage this impeachment without falling back on arguments that it’s true because The Intelligence Community Are The True Patriots.




The king is dead, long live the king!

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The Trumpian notion of a “deep state” meeting secretly to plan how to stop him is a conspiracy theory. The idea that the bureaucracy has an institutional memory that resists someone like Trump is just a basic understanding of how power is expressed. Referring to it as the “deep state” in favorable terms is just a way of trolling conservatives.

This whistleblower is credible because it is someone from the intelligence community speaking on matters of intelligence who is in a position to know. This person would probably not be as credible of a source in documenting any efforts to hide government research about climate change.

Savagery is the correct way to deal with Trump.

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