The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Had a pretty busy day and am basically catching up on Trump’s disgraces of the day. What I can’t shake with all this stuff coming out is that my reaction is, “yep, of course.” Like when I see pictures of Trump chuckling with the Russians in the oval office I’ve always thought they’re laughing about rigging the election and how stupid Americans are.

It’s like we need 5% of Trump exposed to get rid of him. I would not be surprised in the slightest if he’s had people killed. He’s been a shitbag and groomed to be a fraud from birth. God knows what kind of sex crimes he’s committed. He is an absolute piece of garbage like you’ve never seen in your life. Fuck him the most one can be fucked. I just hope we can repair a good chunk of the damage he’s done.


The death blow could have happened years ago for all we know.

Edit: It’s entirely possible that we’re rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

I really hope not. I think I posted before how I think the international community probably won’t take us seriously at all for the next 10 years or so because we let this idiot and his servile choads run things. I feel like writing a West Wing speech now but I’m exhausted. I just want him gone.

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I’m in the PNW working for a resource agency and watching what looks like the beginning of the collapse of a food chain, so…sorry for the negativity.

No apology necessary, negative is where we are and need to realize it. PNW is my home, where I grew up and live, I love it. Enjoy and get outside.

Thanks. I’ll do that.

Interesting (at least to me) interview on local TV tonight - my rep is Mark Amodei, who I’ve always had a soft spot for because he consented to be interviewed on a documentary my wife was making a few years ago and was thoughtful and pleasant. OTOH, he votes with Trump about 95% of the time, so the average member of this website would hate him, but whatever - all politics is local, and he seems (to me) like a 1970’s conservative stuck in the year 2019.

Anyway - local TV interviewed him on the impeachment question, and I expected him to hew the party line - but his take was “we’ll see what the whistleblower has to say, and take it from there” - no “fake news/smear on our president/evil dems” stuff.

Which may or not mean anything, but it can’t be good for Trump, I would think. He’s pretty much bulletproof in his district, from what I can tell - so he may feel he can be a bit more free to speak his mind.



Trump is fucked. Does that matter?


This question will require more thought. I reserve a period of days to contemplate.


In no way was I trying to argue against you’re points itt about Schiff, he should not be grandstanding at this crucial moment in history and should know better.

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Man that is such a good picture. Looks like Trump, Barr, Rudy, and my old racist uncles all in one shot.

Wish democrats would take over the voter ID messaging. Call for a free (no poll tax) national or state ID to be given to every person when they are eligible to vote.


Thank god I’m not alone.

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It’s also got the Nigel Farage lip… :wink:

With automatic voter registration when issued. It would require the creation of a national database of all citizens, which I am for, but libertarians would tend to oppose.

I think if he orders an illegal nuclear strike the military commander that carries the suitcase around has the authority to arrest him or someone else does or something. They aren’t required to launch.

It was called freebase back then

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One theory is that the whistleblower is actually a figurehead representing a group of concerned intelligence officials. I like the nickname “Deep State Throat”. If the Deep State didn’t exist, the Trump presidency would require it to invent itself.