The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

“Can you believe this Very StAbLe GeNiUs won’t give a simple interview on TV because his lawyer won’t allow it? A real Alpha Male would never say no.”


You may need something stronger than coke if you want a fighting chance of understanding him.

We should make a drinking game. Do a shot every time Rudy:

  1. Switches back and forth about whether he was working on behalf of the government.

  2. Uses the phrases “Witch hunt” or “deep state”

  3. Invokes a Clinton

  4. Forgets a Biden’s first name

  5. Attempts to pronounce a Ukrainian name more than three times without getting it right once.

  6. Spits out his dentures.

  7. Throws up his arms in disgust.

Whoever is still alive after the first five minutes of Dem questioning wins.


Sarah Palin’s new house after her divorce will be built by Moscow in Moscow using funds from Moscow Mitch’s wife Elaine Moscow Mitch McConnell Chao.

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I understand him completely. He almost gave me a hernia laughing at him yesterday.

Your certainty is worrisome.

Why, would that be Elaine of cocaine fame? I believe you mean Cocaine Elaine Sochi Chao McConnell, wife of Moscow Mitch Cocaine McConnell, the Moscow based lapdog of Vladimir Putin, daddy to Donnie.

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That’s gotta be scary. Do you want to talk about it?

Lewandowski gave away the playbook regarding lying to the media. I honestly think Rudy has been completely consumed by dementia, and that he’s now role playing the mob bosses he used to prosecute, but then he’s like ‘no, I’m a prosecutor’ so he spews out the truth. Like I really think he can’t remember if he was a good guy or bad guy from second to second, so he just plays what he thinks is both roles. You should believe him when he says he did a criminal act, because he’s done all of the criminal acts.

His ‘I’m the hero’ stuff was just the most hilarious stuff I’ve ever seen from someone like him. And I’ve been making fun of him incriminating people and himself every time he talks in public for probably close to 2 years. Yesterday was like the Falcon and the Snowman scene with Sean Penn. That movie’s a required watch for this forum, by the way.


Rudy Colludy definitely has dementia. He was never like this until the past 2 or 3 years. I remember when his #2 guy went to prison after 9/11 and Rudy would be on TV being pragmatic about it. He would act very professional and thoughtful. Now he’s just a windbag.

It’s like that Bill Burr joke about how you can live too long. If Rudy had died 5-10 years ago, he’d be a national hero. Now he’s a fucking joke to 60% of the country and future generations will have no idea how he was basically America’s mayor. These LOL olds really need to STFU and retire.


Nice, that’s nice

LOL wish I could take credit but I saw it on Twitter.

Minds are cavernous spaces. Please expound.

I’ll re-watch that and get back to you.

Whoa, this reminds me of the Sam Nunberg affair. His 15 minutes of fame occurred about 18 months ago, and consisted of: getting subpoened by Mueller to testify and produce documents related to Trump and Roger Stone, doing a bunch of insane media appearances where he said he wouldn’t comply and dared Mueller to arrest him, then testifying for 6 hours a couple of days later.

I just started typing “Sam Nunberg” into youtube and the auto suggestion was “meltdown”. LOL


Speaking of Rog, he’s been pretty quiet lately LOL.

OH YEAH! What happened to that guy?

Edit: He’s still got the Nixon tattoo, right?

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Not to stir things up again, I’m only posting to say DDale got this. :joy::joy::joy:

How many times does a person have to look at their cards before I have a reliable tell?