The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I mean he just followed up with a tweet that the best way to prevent people hacking into voting machines is… voter ID?

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The problem for Moscow Mitch is that he’s now called Moscow Mitch. All of the most horrible stuff on Trump is going to be related to Russia. If Moscow Mitch doesn’t hold a trial, then Moscow Mitch will be accused of trying to cover up Moscow Mitch’s own extensive ties between Moscow and Moscow Mitch. Moscow Mitch will hold the trial, because Moscow Mitch has been given the go ahead from Moscow, right Moscow Mitch? Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch, #Moscow Mitch, @MoscowMitch.


^ nun seems to have come back with new superpowers, that’s a scorcher


Only if you originally read the post in supbro’s voice.


Call me crazy, but I don’t think Rudy should be saying stuff like this.

Giuliani said he has not heard from any of the three House committees investigating whether Trump acted improperly in his communications with the Ukrainians. Asked if he was concerned he would be subpoenaed by the House, Giuliani laughed.

"I consider them a joke. A sad joke. They have no legitimacy. I would think of challenging their subpoena on the grounds that they’re not a legitimate committee," Giuliani said.

One good thing is Trump’s personal attorney is a doddering mush brain.

One bad thing is trump will try to pass a lot of his malfeasance onto Rudy.

Ironically imagine trump using his donations to fund his defense and getting impeached for doing so.

I will have a dump truck of popcorn and will put a tarp down for all the continuous spit takes of Cokes I’ll be drinking if Rudy is somehow stupid enough to testify in a live hearing in front of the House.

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Mitch laughs in your face.





Welcome back?

I’m always around, post count very much TBD.

If the Dems are smart (LOL), they’ll goad Rudy into testifying by letting him know Trump is willing to throw him under the bus by not letting him testify.

I never wanted you to go.

You were responsible for my return, so there’s that.

Glad to be of some use.


Imagine if a woman running for president happened to mention on camera that Trump is hiding away in the White House scared of impeachment, and that he’d rather hide under the bed than to be a man and do a sit down interview with someone in the network news or CNN.

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Can Sarah Palin see Moscow Mitch from her house?