The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Schiff shouldn’t have gift-wrapped their bullshit for them, so I mostly agree with you about that. But you and jbro are sniping at each other in the midst of like the happiest moments of the Trump presidency. The Schiff error isn’t going to bury us, agree to disagree and play nice for a bit…



I thought we were playing nice.


After all the nunn stuff anyway…

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Impeachment for that?



I don’t think what Schiff did was bad. I think Fox is just spinning it, but they’d spin anything, so I’m not blaming Schiff for that.

Anybody who tried to explain what Trump meant with his mafia act was gonna get accused of lying about what Trump said.

He never represented it as a reading of the call and had other purposes for doing what he did and explained those before/after. Fox has shifted the Overton Window over so far that people on here actually think Schiff did something bad.


Nah, the Schiff stuff won’t hurt. He’s a middle aged white dude that’s not running for POTUS. The Fox crowd isn’t threatened by him. Except for his political views, he’s practically the profile that they like- a successful white man. If AOC or Warren had said that, it would have been a much bigger error. He put Trump on tilt and that’s all that matters.

Like what’s Fox gonna do? Show a white guy mocking Trump? It will die down.

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It was weak.

I think it was mentioned earlier that the dems are looking at obstruction of congress as a possible impeachment charge. Apparently they have indicated if the WH stonewalls the Investigation they will slap an obstruction charge onto the impeachment.

I feel like this may have been partially why trump rolled over on the transcript and whistleblower report. Now that things are formalized he has been informed some of his previous tactics will not work and will only make things worse for him.

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What would have had to transpire to make you think damage had occurred?

Kind of amazing after all the email talk trump decided to hide his phone transcripts to avoid embarrassing leaks and created a significant security crisis. The classification system is not there for the president to protect his ego.

I don’t know if this was discussed previously but I know there was a lot of speculation on if the senate would hold a trial. Not going to trust Moscow Mitch.

That Trump is retweeting content like this (that should run counter to his narrative), and it doesn’t matter in the slightest, is just so bizarre. Tweeting this SHOULD be an error but it literally just could not matter less that he’s just clicking buttons.

It’s too bad we aren’t in general election debate season. It seems like it’d be pretty easy for Warren to trigger Trump into going all Col. Jessup. Hell Rudy’s out there going on tv, doing it himself, unprovoked. Maybe Trump will do the same.

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No one on the left should give a fuck or worry about what Fox or the deplorables think. Fox or the GOP rehashing what Schiff said will not move the needle.
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