The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

And “recess” doesn’t mean go to the playground fyi, it’s for you to go back to your hometown and speak with your constituents. That’s important work too.


This kind of thinking is absolutely terrible on your part, and I’m calling it out because I’m so sick of reading this kind of attitude on this site. I may be gone, but I’m still reading it for now. His tweet is a flat out fucking lie, and you’re eating it up hook, line, and sinker. I watched the hearing, and it was beyond obvious that Schiff was doing parody. Here’s the actual transcript of what Schiff said (those time links are the actual video if you want to watch it yourself):

Adam Schiff: 00:22:11 And so what happened on that call? Zelensky begins by ingratiating himself and he tries to enlist the support of the President. He expresses his interest in meeting with the President and says his country wants to acquire more weapons from us to defend itself. And what is the President’s response? Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown. Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what the President communicates.

Adam Schiff: 00:22:51 We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what? I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you, though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent. Understand? Lots of it on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States, my attorney general Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy. You’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking? And so I’m only going to say this a few more times in a few more ways. And by the way, don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked.

Adam Schiff: 00:23:47 This is in sum and character what the President was trying to communicate with the president of Ukraine. It would be funny if it wasn’t such a graphic betrayal of the President’s oath of office, but as it does represent a real betrayal, there’s nothing the President says here that is in America’s interest after all. It is instead the most consequential form of tragedy for it forces us to confront the remedy the founders provided for such a flagrant abusive office. Impeachment.



Even ignoring the coverup part of this, in order to support the president at this point you have to believe either:

a) Trump pressuring Zelensky was motivated solely by the desire to root out corruption in Ukraine and had absolutely nothing to do with Biden being his likely rival in the 2020 election, or

b) Of course Trump wants to expose Biden’s “corruption” in order to beat him in the election and anything he does to achieve that (lying, cheating, smears, coverups) is fine and in fact totally awesome.

Either of these options is obviously completely ridiculous.

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Yeah I guess I was thinking of this as a literal vacation. Maybe they can stir up even more shit back in their districts. Have a bunch of town hall meetings.

He lives!!! Hi nunnehi.

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Thank you for the full quote and context :pray:

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Yeah, having the intelligence committee working, issuing subpoenas, calling witnesses, and holding hearings, while everyone else is doing town halls, going on TV, etc. actually seems… optimal? We only really need all hands in the chamber for the actual impeachment vote. The ones not on the judicial or intelligence committees can be useful surrogates anywhere. Not like any legislating is happening.


And while I’m here for a Hollywood Minute, I just want to bring something up about any Senate trial. It’s absolutely correct that Mitch can do whatever he wants in the trial. He could walk in, say ‘here are our opening statements. Cool, let’s vote.’ But I want to focus on the two tweets related to 20-35 GOP senators claiming they would vote him out in a private vote.

Mitch, you can do this. Have a secret ballot, you can do whatever you want with the trial Senate rules. Get it done. Would anyone care if the number is 80 if it’s a secret ballot? I wouldn’t as long as he’s convicted.


Motherfucking Nunnehi in the House laying down the law! Refused to give a click to anyone spreading this bullshit non-story but the mischaracterization of what Schiff said was even worse than I assumed. Thanks for stopping by to set the record straight!


These are really good points. I see how them doing all of this is probably optimal. I just hate that it was so easy to spin as anything but what you’re saying, but maybe there was no way to stop that.

How’s the weather in the nunnehi room given recent events? Hot takes welcome.
( twitter | raw text )

I could see McConnell maybe having power over whether a trial begins but not sure if he can do anything he wants once it begins. Why then is the SC Chief Justice there if not to preside over the trial?

Moscow Mitch can only give cover Rs if they all want it or are at least okay with it. Pretty sure just the threat of a power play by a few rogue Rs would force him to allow a trial and/or vote.

Let them spin. They will spin bullshit no matter what is done. Meanwhile, there is a clear and concise answer to it : “The impeachment investigation is the job of the intelligence committee, and they are continuing to work on it round the clock. I will be ready to vote on impeachment if and when it comes to the floor.”

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We’re in a clear and present danger type situation, though it seems quite clear that the intelligence community is ready to prevent anything of stupid level based on what the whistleblower complaint said. After reading the ICIG’s letter to the acting DNI, there’s no effing way he should have walked that to the White House and Barr. The ICIG was very clear about what he was required to do, and told him to ask him any questions directly if he had any. The acting DNI is completely incompetent if he did what he did in good faith.

I stand with Warren. They should have been in impeachment proceedings in the weeks after the Mueller report. Anything that happened between that time and when they actually introduce this article of impeachment is on Pelosi for slow walking this stuff. It’s quite obvious she’s always had the votes, but she wouldn’t let the rank and file come out on it. This is her being all in on the flop with pocket aces vs. quad 3s after trying for a limp re-raise preflop. She just happened to bink runner runner aces over a series of incidents that were already a news story in early May. Good for her that she got her smoking gun moment I guess.

What put this where it’s at is the op-ed by the 7 vulnerable freshmen with national security backgrounds. If it hadn’t been for that, Pelosi probably wouldn’t have buckled. She needs to be removed as speaker ASAP.

I also think it’s quite possible she fucked up their McGahn subpoena case. In the documentation Nadler sent in his brief, he said they’re in one. She said they’re going to do one, which means to her they weren’t in one. Judges are not going to look kindly on that, and I think it makes them live to losing a slam dunk case on a stupid technicality because of Nancy’s idiocy. She should have just said ‘we were always in one, but now I’m willing to say it’. That’s why they should get this particular article of impeachment on the floor ASAP, and keep working on the rest of the investigations. This particular article isn’t political in any way, and it’s why the GOP has some kind of chance to back it (no one on the GOP intel committee actually defended Trump, as an FYI, and most are QAnon followers). The others, they don’t really care about those and would be extremely unlikely to convict on them because they think the obstruction is funny.


JFC. This turd of a post already has 2 likes? Adam Schiff screwed the pooch and handed Trump’s enablers a soundbite they can bleat out to the base for as long as they need to. Why hand them a blunt tool when the transcript is damaging enough? Schiff is a fucking idiot who probably brake checks tailgaters while he’s got a grocery bag full of raw eggs in the back seat. I don’t know why you can’t see it.

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You’re wrong, dude. It’s okay. You want to lose. I get it.

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