The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I made a similar point about a Warren vs Trump matchup. I suspect the shift in support toward Warren would be overwhelming in a real world scenario.


Yeah it’s really starting to feel like that. Idk what to think anymore.

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Trump’s ego is so tied up in the power of the presidency that I can’t even imagine him walking down the street as a normal citizen or giving an interview or tweeting. It would be from such a position of reduced power that it seems unfathomable. He would either have a stroke or go scorched out and have to be physically dragged out of the white house.

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Are the Dems really taking 2 weeks off?

wtf, that would be insane.

Not all of them. But still shameful for those who are unless it’s some kind of subterfuge.

We are in a major crisis! Ok let’s take a holiday.


I’m not as worked up as you guys about the recess. Meh.


Trump committed treason and is a huge danger to us.

Hold on, going on vacation. Let’s discuss in a couple of weeks.


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I’m with Riverman. Recess doesn’t look that bad. The people working on impeachment are staying in DC.

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I’m with Riverman on this. To be honest I wish only 3 or 4 would stay behind. Let the other members give them their time and hammer home some points continually rather than hopping around every 5 fucking minutes going from one direction to another and just generally making the whole thing a bit of incoherent mess. Would need them to stop being attention whores so obviously a wish in vain.

Obstruction of congress seems like a no brainer.

I am. For one, it is terrible optics–tough to say this is a huge, national-security-threatening issue but then take two weeks off.

More importantly, though, I think it lets Trump/others drive the narrative over the next two weeks. We’ve seen how quickly news changes in this shitshow of an administration–any individual scandal might only last a day or two before we’re on to the next one. I have no idea what distractions will come in the next two weeks but I am absolutely positive there will be something, and I think squandering current momentum and public opinion has a serious chance of derailing the prospect of impeachment entirely.

Hope I’m wrong. I think the best way to thwart the distraction approach would be for the Intel Cmte to continue to leak damning information to the press to make it clear that this is serious and that the investigation is finding stuff. Don’t let the public move on to the next tweet.

Agree. What the general public thinks is crucially important. Got to keep the heat on. And take every opportunity to torment DJT because that is most likely all we’re getting from this.

Right, but you don’t have to be in session to do that.


In addition, the Crimea has a sizable Russian population, meaning Putin had the support of a non-trivial percentage of its population after the annexation.

Good point about our idiot leaders speaking does nothing to help. Saw Morning Joe (my wife watches) ask Pelosi to give her stump speech on why Trump should be impeached this morning.

Though I obvi agreed w/ every word of it, I was uninspired to say the least. As long as the Intel Committee is generating “news” everyday, even as simple as “person X scheduled a day to testify!” then it’s all good, IMO.

And AOC and the few other Ds with some passion can spit fire from wherever, don’t need them to be in DC.

I agree with you here but am concerned about the optics. The only time you let Tom Brady score the last touchdown with the rest of the team sitting on the bench is when there is literally no physical way for the other team to win even if he collapses. The people in the stands have to believe that or it just pisses them off.

That’s what’s happening here. The public finally perceives a crisis, and over half the team goes on vacation?! The public expects everyone to knuckle down and sacrifice every waking moment if this guy is such a threat to national security. Except that’s not what Congress is doing, so people are now reasonably saying okay, so can this really be that big a deal if only a few of you are staying behind?

Absolutely the press can do a lot to keep everything in public awareness, but the optics of this were an avoidable obstacle.