The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

At the risk of moving into 4D cheese territory, I also wonder if the other members will continue work under the guise of recess.

Was feeling pretty good about a slight chance of impeachment until Riverman waded in with his wallet, now can be assured that’s doomed. Was feeling like this mattered a lot over the past couple of days, now not so sure it isn’t another Stormy Daniels story. Dems seem to be fumbling on a wide open run into the end zone without even being touched (taking a recess, Schiff being a dumbass). I don’t even think the key should be impeachment; it should be dragging out investigations and hurting both Trump and Republicans for 2020. If this takes out Biden then all the better.

Looking back on this, I wonder now just what Congress has known and for how long.

Then we have Kamala going on air with Anderson Cooper to denounce Barr again.

Because now we can see the standard Kamala was getting at. Inferred? Suggested? If you could do me a favor, though?

Perhaps she knew this was coming and has just been waiting for the right moment.

Or maybe everything is a coincidence and it just so happens that Trump and his lackeys keep making things worse.

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She’d have to be clairvoyant since this hearing was a month and a half before the Ukraine call.

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You didn’t have to be a genius to see that Trump, who to this day doesn’t understand that Barr isn’t his personal lawyer, was going to direct Barr to utilize the powers of the Justice Department to his financial and political benefit.

Related: there’s going to be more. Does Trump seem like the kind of guy who did this once and stopped?


That’s true but surely there is a reasonable chance that Trump asked Barr to investigate Biden before the call?

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Wasn’t at all what I expected, assumed she hated Mike for working w/ a scumbag but seems she was reluctantly okay w/ it for the “greater good” just like Mike.

Instead, she hated him because they couldn’t afford a fancy gown to the inaugural ball, THAT was at the top of the mind of this supposed Christian on Nov 8, 2016. Then she ended up getting two gowns from Trump himself. God, people really suck.


Here’s an article by Bob Bauer discussing whether or not Moscow Mitch could simply refuse to hold a trial in the Senate. Spoiler alert: he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

And Crimea isn’t merely occupied, Russia just straight conquered it. Russia made legislative moves to annex it and its literally just considered “Crimea, Russia” now. Its somewhat unreported in the media likely due to how embarrassing it is for the West as a whole.


I think it moved

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I think the politics of not having a trial are ~worse than having a trial that allows Democrats to make their case and forces electorally vulnerable GOP senators take a vote they don’t want to take – the true fear is that Mitch allows the trial, except it somehow becomes a reverse show trial, where the prosecutors get no time to present their case and the defense turns it into a Biden centered conspiracy theory shitshow.


This post is a good point in addition to what I hoped to convey. I’m not referring to her knowing about the Ukraine call in advance. I’m referring to their cover-up playbook. Sure looks like the admin has been doing this for a while. I’m suggesting she knew about other calls and other cover ups.

Perhaps the play was simply to wait and catch him red handed in a situation they know he can’t escape.

Ukraine wasn’t Trumps first rodeo

(see i was hugely slow-ponied on this insight)


He neither understands that Barr isn’t his personal lawyer nor that Giuliani doesn’t have any special government authority.


Nobody anywhere ever has done something once and stopped unless it went seriously wrong the first time. Nobody.

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Support of impeachment up 12% in latest poll.


Almost as though impeachment proceedings do more than anything to raise awareness of why he should be impeached. Silly, I know.


Exactly what I thought. When pelosi used the lack of polling support to avoid it it was frustrating. I think it should creep up more as things continue unless dems screw the pooch.

That’s the same problem with three way polls across parties. People choose differently in hypotheticals than they do with a real world decision.

Impeachment just became real.