The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Power, money is just the tool to achieve it.

I feel like Bill Barr being ~mostly ignored in all of this is pretty striking. The guy is plainly corrupt and lawless but everyone is focusing on Trump I guess

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Well, beyond a certain point, power and money are pretty much the same thing. That’s why Anarcho-Capitalists aren’t really small-l libertarians.

My point with Putin isn’t just academic though. Like, what does he want with Western Europe? He doesn’t want to invade and occupy it. He wants Western Europe to buy oil and gas from him. What does he want from the US? He wants sanctions on Russian oil and gas to go away. It’s why he favored Obama over Romney and it’s why he favored Trump over Clinton.

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The Dems have a chance to impeach Trump asap, but instead they go on a two’week vacation? Don-t they even want him impeached?

Burn the Democratic party the fuck down and start over. One way to do that would be a serious 3rd political party. In a few years- time we-d be back to 2 parties anyway, because the Dems would go extinct.


One of the Repubes in the hearing yesterday day said “the DOJ denied it.” Like that’s the end of it, folks, move along.

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My money is on the GOP burning down first. But you’re right that the current two political parties are super anemic after decades of being a duopoly without any reason to actually maintain competitiveness.

This is my last post on the subject, but while money and power can go hand in hand, I wouldn’t call them interchangeable. Fear is their weapon to solidify power, whether it’s extorting a business owner for “insurance” or influencing an individual not to testify by threatening their life. While money is a motivator, I personally believe that the power is the ultimate goal.

A political party made up of public servants that refuse corporate contributions would be a great fucking start.

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Crimea would like a word.

Crimea is about natural gas, and it’s not Western Europe. (it’s almost as far East as Moscow)

Saw this on facebook, unbelievable


Cliffs: Pence is a broke idiot loser and his wife hates him


Damning if true!

Or radical changes to our system that would make elections 100% publicly funded.

They are putting her life in danger regardless of who the WB actually is.

Trump raging against people persecuting him for not using a hyphen because he didn’t use an apostrophe in a word that wouldn’t have made more sense with either is the perfect representation of this administration. Totally overwhelmed with paranoia and disconnected from reality.

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Strawman. He is a nationalist who wants a strong and powerful Russia. Sowing chaos weakens and divides his adversaries.

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The key here is not stopping with the one article, the continuing investigation into Russian meddling and the financial entanglements are absolutely necessary

Some pretty juicy bits ITT.

I’ve wondered beyond power what would motivate Pence to join the Trump ticket. I didn’t realize he was in so much financial trouble that they couldn’t afford a gown for his wife to wear at the inauguration. Once you dig a deep enough hole, a lot of awful choices become viable because 1) you have nothing to lose 2) you have no better option.

Also this LOL wow

Before Indiana’s decisive presidential primary in May 2016, former President George W. Bush had asked Pence, through intermediaries, to save the Republican Party by stopping Trump from getting the nomination, according to the book.

I didn’t know or had forgotten that Pence initially endorsed Ted Cruz, not Trump.

Describing Pence’s lukewarm endorsement of Ted Cruz that also included praise for Trump

A few select donors delivered back-channel messages to Pence that the party had a contingency plan to replace Trump on the ticket with Pence

The original transcript was damning enough. Schiff taking poetic license in his reading was pure stupidity and served up a republican talking point on a silver fucking platter. Fuck that idiot for putting his ego first and party/country last.