The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Buying Florida EC votes

Not sure if it’s the forum software or what, but I can never see embedded vids here on my phone. Same goes for vids and pics in Tweets

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Calling him an officer narrows down the list of possibles

Is it a bannable offence to say I hope this brings the heart attack closer?

Seems like having US military stay there is panning out

Next Dem CinC needs to make all Trump properties off limits for the lulz

Those 10% probably aren’t all democrats.


20% of the total group strongly opposing is the big important number. That’s a very positive poll for impeachment.

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What’s your theory why of all the people in the world they hired Hunter?


I suspect it actually doesn’t narrow down the possibilities and that anyone in the CIA who would have the appropriate access is probably going to be described as an officer.

This may sound heartless, but I would love to dangle enough information out there to encourage Trump to retaliate, because we all know that he is going to do it clumsily, providing more ammo to be used against him. It might be dangerous for the whistleblower, but his potential martyrdom might help save democracy.

“No explicit quid pro quo” that is the only defense left. Really amazing what this all has come to. Sadly the government and the country as a whole is so insane that ridiculous defense is enough deniability that Trump likely won’t be convicted and the senators who support trump won’t be punished at the polls.

Because you handed over a documented that proved him entirely credible dipping dot.

They wanted Hunter to buy the appearance of legitimacy and prestige, ldo. It’s fair to come after Joe for it but at the end of the day Hunter is a grown ass man who can engage in whatever unethical behavior he wants, so it only hurts Joe so much. Which is why the cesspool of corruption known as the Trump administration tried to force Ukraine to invent an even bigger scandal.

There is no reason for Rudy to be talking to the ambassador of Ukraine. Trump runs the government like he runs his faux companies and Rudy is his new Cohen. A dirty works bag man.

Giuliani is Trump’s personal attorney. Why would Trump’s personal attorney need to be talking to the ambassador of Ukraine, especially while Trump is president?

I completely disagree about there being a cap to the amount of damage crappy family members who you’re very close to can do to a politician. I think it should be totally uncapped. Same for friends honestly. Anyone trafficking in your name without you immediately shutting it down you’re on the hook for.

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Republicans: “The whistleblower didn’t get this knowledge first hand”

Reality: “But everything in your released transcript matches what they reported?”

Republicans: “But it wasn’t first hand. Chess mate”


NYT just did a focus group of swing voters that were all clearly full blown trump supporters. They’re not on the libs side.

the state department asked him to do it

That’s how ****ed up this government is.