The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Agreed. I think it is very significant only 20% strongly oppose.

You only need a few of that 20% to be total nutjobs and go for their guns though.

Itā€™s ok for a grown-ass man to date his brotherā€™s widow.

Anyways, this is the basic revolving door corruption that made Trumpā€™s ā€œdrain the swampā€ rhetoric potent, even if he somehow made the swamp swampier.

Itā€™s why someone like Warren impressed me by having zero fundraising events when candidates like Biden, Buttigieg, and Harris seem to have 30-40% of their campaign events be fundraisers.

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Sure, and you are free to argue Hunterā€™s acts disqualify Joe and advocate for a clean D candidate. But not everyone will agree with you, which is why Trump wanted to invent a new reality.

Ish. Trump wanted to make exist reality slightly worse than it is. Honestly the dumbest part of this whole thing was that Trump was stupid enough to go this far for such a meh reward. He didnā€™t need the government of Ukraine to smear Biden on thisā€¦ he could have just made some shit up like he usually does. Instead heā€™s stepped on a landmine that may have blown his leg off.

But yeah this is why the Democrats need to only run clean candidates for national offices from now on. There needs to be zero tolerance of the shenanigans that have gone on in the past. My single favorite thing about AOC is that she showed you how beat these machine Democrats in a primary. You just repeatedly bring up whatever shady shit theyā€™ve done for donors or to line their pockets personally over and over againā€¦ and then they lose.

Normal people know that they could never in a million years, no matter what school they went to or what their qualifications were, get a part time job that paid 850k with a Ukrainian natural gas company. That kind of thing is reserved for the shitty princelings of high level politicians. Itā€™s garden variety corruption and itā€™s completely legal, but itā€™s still corruption. The fact that it isnā€™t a scandal is itself a scandal.


Rudy and Trump both 100% believed nutty Fox News conspiracies about Hunter Biden, and thatā€™s what started all of this. Itā€™s amazing.


Did anyone see this last night? Itā€™s the funniest Iā€™ve seen Colbert in a while.


Yeah, a grown ass man can definitely, 100% date his brotherā€™s widow and there is certainly nothing his father can do about itā€¦

I mean we all know Hunter is weirdo, scumbag creep, problem is a lot of people have fail sons/daughters & family membersā€¦ so attacking a politician for loving their scumbag kid anyway is only going to get you so far.

To be clear, Iā€™m not voting Biden in the primary, would be Warren if I had to choose today.

To be fair itā€™s the kind of shenanigans they have both engaged in (and engaged in right here). Itā€™s easy to project and suspect other people of deep down being just like you. Especially since Biden is clearly maybe 2 notches better on corruption. I generally see getting your kid a no work job in Eastern Europe as being pretty corrupt. Not as corrupt as holding up an allies military aid until they agree to smear a political opponent (who hadnā€™t even won the primary yet LOL)ā€¦ but pretty corrupt.

Papa Joe did issue a public statement giving his blessing to their relationship. Whether he felt the same way privately, one can only guess.

Sure, attacking a politician through their family only gets you so far, but in a close election, every little bit helps. I would have no qualms about using Republicansā€™ families against them in a political campaign.

Been saying it for years, Trump doesnā€™t animate the base, he IS the base.


Hunterā€™s sketchy job obvi gets traction, but attacking Joe for the widow stuff is creepier than Hunter doing it in the first place, IMO.

Would actually bet on Tulsi going kamikaze on Joe next debate if they get paired.

Never get high on your own supply.

Get ready for the gaslight in 3 months when bidenā€™s polling at 5% and the line will be ā€œbiden obviously didnt have a chance so OF COURSE it had nothing to do with the election, if he wanted to tamper he wouldve gone after pocahontas!ā€

Completely and conveniently ignoring that when this went down biden was a clear and dominant frontrunner. I guarantee thisā€™ll be a thing. And I guarantee itā€™ll work.

Also why is everyone singing nunnehiā€™s praises on this when he was accidentally right, when Iā€™ve been saying for a year that 2020 will not be a fair election? Got the evidence right before our eyes now. Heā€™ll do anything and everything to collude/cheat/connive his way to victory and the pieces are already set. This just confirms it.

Did people push back when you said that Trump was going to cheat? I sure didnā€™t. I didnā€™t even know that was being debated lol.

Early on i think one or two people said i was being loony/conspiratorial, I guess its been obvious for a little while now

Love you J, but you might be missing the nuance of our recent nunnehi comments

Iā€™m really surprised he did this Ukraine thing this summer. He was waaaaaay early on that. Iā€™m genuinely shocked he didnā€™t wait for the primaries to be at least somewhat decided. If anyone should know that that shit isnā€™t close to over itā€™s DJT.

The risk:reward on this was mega fucked. Even for a guy for whom losing meant prison.

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