The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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lolol for those not watching the news schiff just had an improptu news conference shown live on cnn, msnbc, and fox and at the end a reporter is like “uh trump just tweeted this at you…” and schiff was like “well its always flattering when a person of his character attacks you” man the president is live tweeting people he is watching on tv right now wtf is going on


You released the transcript of the call which has given the whistleblower a huge amount of credibility as the document substantiates his accusations, third person or not.

Sir, try again.

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I’m sure Seinfeld2000 has already posted this

Trump at private breakfast: “Who gave the whistle-blower the information? Because that’s almost a spy”

Trump basically insinuates those staffers who shared with the whistleblower should be punished under old school treason rules.

I like that trump is basically threatening those people who gave information to the whistleblower with death.

This is the same guy who thinks “flipping” ought to be against the law. He keeps doubling down on his very beautiful phone call. Fun times.

Right, to those of us who have been on top of everything we’re like, “Seriously, this little thing is what’s going to get him? After all that other stuff?”

But to someone who didn’t dive into the minutiae of the rest of it, who just read the headlines and didn’t read more than a few paragraphs of the Mueller Report, this is a huge deal because it’s simple.

Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. This is simple enough to stick politically. The rest was so complicated that the Republicans could effectively obfuscate.

Of course, Hunter Biden had already essentially been cleared (he didn’t even work at the company when the investigation started) and Joe Biden in his actions was serving at the pleasure of the President to enact his foreign policy. Obviously good luck explaining that to a Republican, but that’s a key difference.

Of course, Obama would never do that. Evidence: Obama didn’t do that in 2015-16 when all sorts of stuff was going on.

In a case like that, it would be more like the Attorney General’s responsibility to have the FBI look into it and if they needed German assistance to interface with them directly without Obama receiving much info about it other than broad updates. Ideally, this would be done more at the civil servant level and less at the appointee level to avoid the appearance of political motivations.

In a 2019 political sense, none of these differences matter to the GOP… But to the rest of us, that’s the difference.

All that likely matters now to the GOP is the messaging on this, and the polling on this, etc. Are GOP Senators more or less likely to win their next election if they vote to convict versus acquit? That’s all that matters.

And here’s the great part: Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst and Martha McSally all have to either convict or acquit, then run for re-election in swing states in 2020. They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. They’re either going to lose some of their base or a lot of independents. The only Democrat who may get punished for a vote to convict is Doug Jones, and we’re losing that seat anyway unless they nominate Roy Moore again.

So IMO we are going to get some Republicans to vote to convict, which means that the narrative in the 2020 presidential election of Trump is acquitted will still be that he was impeached and a bipartisan majority of senators voted to convict him, but it fell short of two-thirds.

That and the swing state GOP senators getting screwed could lead to Democratic control of the House, Senate and White House in an environment where we can nuke the filibuster and enact sweeping reforms… and oh look, Elizabeth Warren is leading in the polls.


This is so bad for the GOP they want to talk about healthcare instead.


How dare you play politics in politics!

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Really important so I want to separate it into a separate, short post:

As long as we impeach him, this is a huge win regardless of whether he’s convicted. Forcing Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst and Martha McSally to vote to acquit or convict within a year of their Senate re-election campaigns in swing states is a win-win proposition for us.

We’re likely to get a bipartisan majority of the Senate to vote to convict even if we fall short of two-thirds. We’re guaranteed to profoundly hurt 5+ GOP senators going for re-election in 2020 regardless of how they vote. That doesn’t even count the two seats in Georgia and Cornyn in Texas.


Really feel like Trump fucking around with Congressional appropriations is what pushed this over the edge. Senate Republicans do not want to give up that power.


A sidenote regarding the “What has Merkel ever done for you?” part from the transcript. Germany gave 1 billion Euros in aid and 500 million in loans to the Ukraine.


Good point, with Bill every single D Senator voted No, 50 Rs voted Yes on all counts and 5 Rs voted Yes on 1 out of 3 counts.

Just need some Rs to vote Yes for “D overreach!!!” to be an implausible narrative (that Trump will scream nonetheless).

There was a heapin helpin of LEAKS = TREASON at the hearing earlier. Good little worker bees staying on message.

He was hired by the company like a month after the investigation was announced. His dad later personally travels to Ukraine and threatens to withhold a billion dollar loan that had previously been approved unless the prosecutor handling the case is fired.

I’m not saying he was involved in whatever shenanigans led to the investigation in the first place, but it’s pretty easy to see how that is problematic.


Will that happen though? This is an honest question and I don’t know the answer. Is Moscow Mitch obligated to have a trial in the Senate or can he just say FU as with Garland?