The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

It’s very easy to create a problematic narrative. I’m just saying the actual facts that we know and the investigations that took place don’t back up that narrative.

And that doesn’t matter. Hunter Biden got paid 850k over a two year period for a part time job with an eastern European natural gas company while his dad was VP. Biden really shouldn’t be the nominee. This isn’t all the dirt that exists on him either, and this is very easy to spin to look very bad.

I’ll give Trump credit for this much, he’s good at figuring out where his opponents weak spots are for negative campaigning. In a world where he didn’t bother trying to force the Ukrainian government to help him this would have been a really good whataboutism to deploy every time Biden tried to talk about him transparently stuffing his face as POTUS.

If their are a few Rs that want to vote Yes and feel strongly enough about getting on record then think they can override McConnell. But yeah, if the all want cover like w/ Garland then think you are right they can get it.

I love how the GOP is screaming “But Biden!” Yea, what about him? If he did some shady shit, he shouldn’t be POTUS. This stuff isn’t hard. This isn’t a choice between going after Trump or going after Biden. Both can be corrupt and both can be held accountable. But as usual, the rubes won’t see it that way.


The rubes won’t care about Biden at all the day after he drops out. If he really gave a shit about the country he’d drop out today so that they could stop using him as a distraction.

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I’m not a Biden supporter, haven’t been at any point in the process. You’re preaching to the choir on that.

You leaving out bribery every time you tweet this is a tell.

What investigations? Who has looked into this? The prosecutor who was fired claims this was the reason. Other people in the Ukraine government say otherwise. Of course Biden says nothing improper took place.

Yes, this. Two points.

  1. Some folks are really getting caught up on whether impeachment will succeed or fail, and both sides (eek) are focusing on the wrong thing when just two days ago, we were ecstatic not at the possiblity of conviction but at Dems simply enacting due political process when the president of the united states is engaging in open corruption and obstruction.

As you say, him leaving office isn’t necessarily the point, just a benefit if it happens. The reason you stand up against corruption and evil is because it’s the right thing to do. It has been enormously demoralizing to see Dems hem and haw.

I posted this a couple of days ago, and it’s true. It was infuriating to watch Dems have a conversation just like this over and over and over.

Follow the process. Regardless of the outcome, if impeachment is not warranted here, I have no faith in holding anyone in American government accountable for anything.

Yes it’s nice if he’s removed or leaves office, but at least for me, that’s not the point. “Just defeat him at the ballot box” is the infuriating sort of shit that makes people like me say fuck the whole thing, I don’t care anymore.

  1. There is no point two, it’s just easier to engage people when they see you’ve outlined multiple points.

He’s like Hillary. He thinks he’s entitled to being POTUS as a reward. These olds on both sides need to fuck off and die. Or at least get out of the way.

So don’t vote for Biden then, retroactively impeach him from VP for all I care!

Either way Trump should be removed from office for overriding Congress to blackmail Ukraine for his own personal interests.

Sometimes I wonder what it must be like as a high-level politician who engages in all kinds of corruption just to hold and retain office, and then to know virtually everyone around you is doing the same thing. I can sort of see how a politician, particularly a lifelong politician well into their years, would begin to genuinely see it all as theater. There are no moral lines to draw when almost all of your peers, including yourself, are doing things just shy of whatever worst corruption you can think of. The lines start to blur until they don’t exist at all.

I think that is in part why power universally corrupts. Without power, we are beholden to the virtue of a process regardless of the outcome. We can’t control what will happen, but we can control whether we are good people.

But when you have true power, you can make shit happen just by force of will, and that is a heady, addictive drug that motivates a person to forget about the ethics of their decisions and just focus on continuing to achieve the outcome they desire by any means necessary.


I remember reading somewhere that the FBI has already determined there’s no there there.


King Trump sure is angry

Damn you, I only read the post because of the numbered bullets!

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I hate statements like this, completely ignorant of not realizing this is also what republican voters want him to do.

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If I recall, Chuck Todd lambasted someone in a (these days) rare moment of speaking truth to power where he went over how American and Ukrainian intelligence and security agencies have already looked into this and found nothing. People insisting we look into the other side is like asking climate scientists to go back and this time ask themselves if climate change is really happening. Just because some dummy hasn’t done the research themselves doesn’t mean experts across the world haven’t already done so. It’s a classic case of people thinking something couldn’t have existed until the moment they were aware of it.

Not a real edit: Here it is

I know he’s not related to JFK, but every time I see Kennedy on TV, I think he’s the dumb inbred cousin that they left behind in the Louisiana swamps out of embarrassment.

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“Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.”

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