The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

“I’ve decided to make 10x the cheese I make now by becoming a lobbyist”

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He is the only black GOP member of the house, leaving only Senator Tim Scott in the entire legislative branch.

I believe Will Hurd is also the only Republican house member whose district borders Mexico.

I’m feeling there may be a mass exodus, so I’m getting in before that happens :birthday:

Correct on all counts.

Hurd is well-liked in his district (lolBeto campaigned with him) and even still his seat was within a fraction of a point in 2018. His departure likely gives the Dems a pickup. I believe he was a moderate, definitely on immigration, so his departure lurches the GOP House caucus further to the right.

Imagine being this dude Tim Scott - Wikipedia :roll_eyes:

The GOP Intelligence Committee is all QAnon followers with him leaving.

Speaking of elections…

They’re joining the Yang Gang, gonna live off that sweet UBI as the oceans boil


They’re abdicating their Constitutional duty, and probably know it. I’m giving the benefit of the doubt that if they’re not willing to go on the record in support of opening an official impeachment inquiry that they don’t think the belong in Congress. If you can’t do your number 1 job, you don’t belong there no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. Roby’s is the biggest because she’s on the Judiciary Committee and won by 60 percent. They may ultimately come out in support of an impeachment inquiry, but first they have to protect their out of Congress job prospects. As an additional FYI Will Hurd has probably read the unredacted Mueller report.

They probably don’t want to deal with Trump’s crap and know if they speak out, they will get railroaded by him. So step down and not deal with the headaches.

CNN reports that there are eight this year, but that this number is pretty normal for the minority party at this point in the cycle.

So like Greg “Body Slam” Gianforte is retiring, but he’s retiring because he wants to run for governor (lol Montana). Hurd and maybe some of the others are departing because of Donald Trump (in one way or another), but the article also alludes to a lot of Republican churn generally.

That and I suppose R’s are older generally and have more grifting opportunities out of office.

It is worth saying that, while who wins the Presidency is not more than 45% one way or the other, Dems keeping the house is looking pretty, pretty good

Only problem with this is that 6 have retired since Mueller testified. One from each of the committees he testified in front of.

I think Trump is at best 33% to win the presidency. And I suspect it’s more like 15%, with 10% of that being random flukes.

If you can bottle that optimism and ship me some my liver will thank you (predict it has stable genius at 47%)

Well you have more faith than me the 2020 elections will be fair.

I mean we have Moscow Mitch refusing bills making elections fairer on the basis they would favor Democrats


Lol. I’m sure they were shocked, positively aghast, when the skeleton of the former FBI man said Donald Trump is not not guilty of crimes. “Why, I thought he was a man of impeccable character!” The reason we’re hearing now is likely because they have to start lining up replacement candidates. Hurd could be about Russia but seems just as likely to do with “go back to your country,” as he has publicly denounced those comments and the direction of his party regarding minorities.