The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Frankly we are lucky that there are not really any large scale global crisis level events going on during Trump’s term. These are all self inflicted wounds and he is absolutely terrible at dealing with anything. Hard to imagine what something like war or a real global economic meltdown would look like under this idiot.


Nailed it, lol. Would think the market has priced in his batshit craziness, but he ramps it up to higher and more insane levels, everytime.

You guys remember all the way back to…9 days ago?

This fucking dope.

I’m sure all the top notch talent around the Oval will take control of the situation

To be fair the only chance we have for a truly wave election in 2020 is for the economy to collapse under this moron so bring it on.

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He is ordering private companies. Lol

China owns like $1 trillion in US debt which is something like 25% of all US debt. Good people to pick a fight with.

Dow down 400. Damn fake news media making up stuff. Oh wait trumps crazy tweets did that.

Trade wars are good, and easy to win!

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Here’s another one of those accidentally correct tweets. He has definitely created the biggest movement since the civil rights movement…against him. Looking forward to another big win against him in 2020!

I feel like Trump’s gonna say something so stupid that someone nukes Wyoming or something out of spite.

I hereby order the Miami Dolphins to lose 15 games this season and #TankForTua


How long until the Dow itself is fake news? Is his strategy really going to be to claim the economy is greater than ever despite all evidence? Might even be his best line as half the country is in a hypnotic trance.

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Was gonna say this yesterday but I thought it was too outlandish :grinning:

But it’s defo drawing live that he now will no longer view any Fox, NBC views on the stock markets. It’ll all be fake news by this time next week.

This is exactly what he/his family/his administration is doing.

He can regularly drop the Dow by 1-3%, and some stocks are (predictably) hit worse. It may not sound like a lot, but doing that even once a month and using the 3% number, the compounding effect is massive by the end of the year. You could make over 40% a year, double your money in two years and more than quadruple it in four years… and that’s if the intrinsic value of the stock was steady, so it’s even more dramatic if the market is on an upward trend and you’re still getting those repeat 3% discounts.

To put it another way, AAPL went from a peak of about $232 in October of 2018 to a floor of about $142 in January of 2019, back up to $212 by early May and then back down to $173 in early June all the way back to like $212 as of yesterday.

Aside from the trade war, I don’t think the value of Apple has changed very much in that span. I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of it was a result of that. Apple shook the markets pretty hard on January 3 with its assessment of the trade war, which is coincidentally when I bought it.

Anyway, knowing all of that, I would assume the temptation for someone like Dan Scavino who has access to Trump’s Twitter account to take advantage every now and then is too much to resist.

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I’m legit worried over this G7 summit with BoJo&Clownshoes trying to out do each other.

It’s not 0% Clownshoes tries to buy a piece of the empire :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Tots and pears

Yeah you can do a hell of a lot better than 1-3% if you know which direction something is going to go in advance. Level 1 is just buying/selling the index. Level 2 is derivatives like options and futures. Level 3 is even more bonkers and I’ll leave to the financial engineering people who are on here.