The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Come out, he’s not coming…

Thank fuck… I’m scarred of clowns.

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•A number of prominent Republicans are preparing to challenge Donald Trump for the presidency. Former Ohio governor John Kasich, former Arizona senator Jeff Flake, former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford and former congressman Joe Walsh are each in various stages of weighing a run against Trump in the GOP primaries, according to the Washington Post, while former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld launched his own challenge to Trump in April.

•Flake and Kasich told the Post they had received a number of approaches from GOP donors encouraging them to run. The hastily convened surge for a non-Trump candidate has been prompted in part by fears over the economy. But despite the excitement over Trump being potentially ousted by a member of his own party, most of the mooted candidates acknowledge they are very unlikely to win.

See live reports from Guardian for a link.



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No question Trump thinks Greenland is literally green.

I’m also sure that he thinks it’s as big as it is shown on the mercator projection.

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I have previously been the victim of an urge to attribute his/their actions to strategy when stupidity and hubris are a much better explanation. So take this with a grain of salt, but I assume he has some motive other than Greenland.

Is it possible that he wanted to buy Greenland as a place to offload minorities from the USA?

He just wants Greenland so that he can help the Russians set up those nice new air bases they keep talking about.

I’m taking the hubris and stupidity side

If there’s a strategy part it’s just that some oil execute Trump played golf with said it’d be a good idea.


This is the correct take. Buying Greenland would actually be pretty smart given that climate change is going to make it literally green inside 25 years probably. If I were a real estate developer I’d be interested.
( twitter | raw text )

So why didn’t they give the Johnson and Johnson product to Epstein???

That’s two tweets today that have either been posted by Trump or have Trump referring to himself in a somewhat messianic or messianic quality. That’s some scary shit.

Congress is out of session, so he just gets to say 6 weeks of unchecked garbage.

U.S. deficit to expand by about $800 billion more than previously expected over 10 years, CBO says

Time to buy Johnson & Johnson

Trump will be dead in 25 years, he’s not planning things that far out, it’s almost definitely what SUB said:

These are actually just people offended by the temporary implications of the term “migrant” demanding that the bus drivers change the sign to read “immigrant”