The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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Trump ripping the Fed the next two years may take some heat off the media from getting shot

Now is ron paul’s time to strike!

LOL no. The Germans barely run a deficit.

Even for him this is very bizarre.

He really did create the playbook on joining the Trump administration and managing to stay out of the news to avoid being sullied by Trump.

Trump Hop retweeted this gem from 2014

And this is the account he is “quoting”

One tweet…and it doesn’t say what Trump is supposedly quoting here. So did he just create an account to say a nice thing about himself?

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Blasphemy is a sin, son.


Going by the dates it looks like Trump did one of his classic idiot moves and quoted the wrong person, so someone set up the account he mentioned.

Trump administration ‘to announce plan to hold migrant children indefinitely in detention camps’
US government also says it will not vaccinate detained families ahead of flu season

So we’ve moved on to death camps.

The Jews love him like the second coming of God. Must have got that from Mike Pence’s Messianic Jewish rabbi

It’s pretty wild to see trump complaining that inflation is too low while knowing that all the old paullites are nodding along in agreement.

Why isn’t the Federal Reserve doing something about this extremely strong economy!

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The offer to buy Greenland came because he found out where it is. Too late for the Sklansky bet now, but Trump didn’t know where it was back then.

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The woman in pink is the one whose church is near where I live. She has ads for accounting people all the time on Zip Recruiter, I assume it’s hard to keep the position filled since she offers a non-living wage.

Also she’s married to the keyboardist from Journey, fun fact.

That’s a old photo, not taken this year… The article is from 18 Feb 2018

In depressing news: Idaho has been forced to change signage on children’s buses after angry drivers began following vehicles full of migrant children.

According to the Idaho Statesman: “The Community Council of Idaho plans to remove and conceal signage on buses they use to transport local children of farmworkers and Head Start participants, after repeated experiences of harassment from motorists across the state, including the Treasure Valley.”

The buses are used to transport children to the Community Council, where they can take part in non-profit programs. The vehicles are labelled “Migrant and Seasonal Head Start”, and staff say drivers are harassing the buses because they “assume that migrant means undocumented”.

“Migrant doesn’t necessarily mean ‘illegal,’” Alvarez told the Statesman. “Migrant means people move in search of work, which is what our program is. We have people who might move from East Idaho to Caldwell because of the work that they’re in.”

US deficit to increase by $800bn more than expected
The federal deficit is expected to balloon to a higher than expected level over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office, while Donald Trump’s tariffs are projected to shrink gross domestic product by 2020.

It’s another headache for Trump as concerns continue to grow over the economy, with serious fears about a looming recession.

The non-partisan CBO said the deficit will soar by $800bn more than expected over 10 years. According to CNBC the US budget deficit “is expected to hit $960 billion in 2019, and average a whopping $1.2 trillion per year between 2020 and 2029”:

The new deficit projection for 2019 rose $63 billion from the last report, which came out in May. The CBO says this is mainly because of the massive new budget deal, which passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law by Trump on Aug. 2.

“The nation’s fiscal outlook is challenging,” CBO director Phillip Swagel said in the report. “Federal debt, which is already high by historical standards, is on an unsustainable course.”

Swagel said that the debt is projected to rise even higher after 2029, due to the aging of the U.S. population, growth in health care spending and rising interest costs.

Some reaction to the Trump administration rule on indefinitely detaining immigrant families:

The government should NOT be jailing kids, and certainly shouldn’t be seeking to put more kids in jail for longer.

This is yet another cruel attack on children, who this administration has targeted again and again with its anti-immigrant policies.

Congress must not fund this.

August 21, 2019
American Immigration Council
Even a short period of detention— let alone prolonged detention—has devastating, often lifelong effects on children.

August 21, 2019
Philip Wolgin
It’s also incredibly costly. DHS declined to run the numbers in the proposed rule, so we did so for them. Each year this will cost at least $200 MILLION, and as much as over $1 BILLION.

All to hurt kids and families.

August 21, 2019