The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I mean, can we at least only see the tweets once each?

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But he strenuously objects, yer honor

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Caps lock = cruise control for presidential

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POTUS threatens civil war. Just your average Sunday.


“Um, sir, the saying is ‘case closed’. That was a good effort though. I’m very proud of you.”

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Whatever plan Trump thought he had to monetize the presidency will be crushed if he’s impeached. He doesn’t understand much, but I’m certain he understands that.

He’s gonna fight like a cornered badger. And he’s going to lose a couple of limbs and a more than a few teeth in the process. Our democracy will take some lumps, but there are people like Schiff who are done with play time and ready to bring down the hammer.

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I’m not concerned about what he’s going to lose, but I am concerned about what the nutbags who are STILL rabidly in his corner are going to start doing. They all have guns and most probably believe (or will come to believe) that this is some sort of holy war.


“Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.”

I actually think in some ways Trump is of at least average intelligence, but damn if he doesn’t have some serious learning disabilities. He seems almost completely unable to update even simple opinions in light of contrary evidence.

Is there a term for an anti-bayesian system–one that simply outputs X irrespective of contrary evidence?

I give Trump some credit though. Most people are apparently willing to not question or investigate confidently asserted claims if the speaker shares or expresses their underlying prejudices. Convince people of limited intelligence that you share their basic perspective, and they will apparently believe just about anything you say.

I don’t really understand how any of these people can get away just not reading the basic documents or preparing in any way. The first question of the interview should be,”have you read the transcript?” If they say anything other than yes, the interview should be done and they should not be allowed to say anything more on the subject.
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Some of his tweets are getting dangerously close to “will no one rid me of this meddlesome Congressman?”


Here for the civil war, is there a dress code? Do I get a uniform or something?
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Malignant Narccician