The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

Yeah, and they should get the same exact help as any other of the ordinary people.


Chris also offered more, unsolicited information, such as ā€œI fuck my front butt.ā€

( twitter | raw text )


I really think that he thinks he has some ace up his sleeve, probably something from Barr to ā€œHilaryā€ Biden in late October. Or Maybe Jacob Wohl has a 20 year old thatā€™s going to claim Joe touched her back in 1995.


If they had anything its too late, swing states are voting already.

I didnā€™t say it would work or is smart, just why he thinks.

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Because we hate you motherfucker.


Donā€™t fix this.


Minneapolis is a nice city

for 4 months

Donā€™t blame me, I got Pressley :smiley:

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Just another reminder that being educated about malignant narcissism helps here. In Trumpā€™s ā€œmindā€, by cutting off negotiations he is punishing everyone for not praising him enough / criticizing him too much. Withholding is, once again, a Trump move right off of Page 1 of the Narcissism Playbook. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with his ego.


Iā€™m going to defer to you on this one given your expertise.

I donā€™t mean to say itā€™s not bad for you. Just that in my experience, the larger contributing factor to what we perceive as physical degradation comes from the user neglecting their body while using the drug rather than as a direct impact of the drug itself.

But again, I defer to you if your expertise says that the harm done from using meth alone makes the impact of what Iā€™m describing insignificant in comparison.

Heā€™s not pouring the money into any advertising, DUCY?

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This is the perfect tweet. Damn.


1000% agree. Letā€™s give them all UBI. Maybe a low interest loan to get back on their feet toward the end of 1Q next year for anyone who wants to start a business.

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Iā€™m sorry you went through that. Iā€™ve gotten a lot out of Brene Brownā€™s research into shame, why people think itā€™s such a useful tool, and what we can do to free ourselves from that cycle lest we all end up as the liberal version of DJT.

We have to believe we are worthy of growth in order to pursue those opportunities and inspire them in others. But if you fill up a person with shame as a motivator, you are destroying their sense of self-worth and whether they believe they deserve to grow. Some people take it a step further and begin to question whether they deserve to exist. Each mistake becomes proof that they are broken, irreparable, hopeless, until finally just attempting to live feels like torture. I ended up as a workaholic, believing my value was equal to my productivity. My significance in the world felt equal to how busy I was.


Thatā€™s a damn lie. Itā€™s only 2 months guaranteed. July and August. June can snow and so can September. Lived there 12 years.


The fuck?



Up north add 10-15 degrees for the twin cities.

This is a great post that will probably get lost in the insanity. I spent like 30 years truly believing I was a POS. Not good.