The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


Smh dont do that to curserounder


The POTUS BOWL thread is going to be absolutely nuts on November 3. It’ll make this thread after Trump got COVID look tame.


I was referring to Lester


I’m glad you said this. I need to decide right now that there is no chance in hell I will be able to keep up with that thread on Nov 3. On the other hand, if you’re interested in what it will be like working at USPS on the same day…

maybe pony’d but


:joy: :joy: :joy:


Will Smith killed himself because he realized he was the monster, no risk of that happening with Trump.


Did twitter censor the tweet?


“Election Night” is going to be more like “Election Three Weeks” is the problem. I can go off the grid for one night, which is probably still my plan, but the shitshow will still be going on when I get back.

Donald Trump, making America safer since 2016!

We’re drawing very live to election night being election night. Florida, Texas & Ohio will all very likely have results on election night. If Biden wins any of those, Trump is done.


She links a statement in the tweet

i mean gotta be honest are there any less important officials than the joint chiefs of staff?

joint chiefs of staff: sir! we need 50 trillion dollars for military, sir!

trump: 50 trillion… is that a lot?

jcos: [look at each other nervously] well, um, we think we can get it all done with just 20 billion

trump: no, no, 50 trillion sounds bigger. i’ll see what i can do

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The Joint Chiefs of Staff are the commanders for their respective branch of the military, so yes. They report to their respective civilian Secretaries, but they are in the chain of command.

The exception is the Chairman, whose primary job is to advise the President. He is not a commanding officer.

They also have all of the relevant firepower in play if Donald decides to get crazy with it.

Late to the party I’m sure, but:

‘I feel better than I did 20 years ago’: Trump set to leave hospital

I told you so :rofl:


He looked like a sweaty whale gasping for air last night. The word of Donald Trump and the WH physician need to be taken with a grain of salt.

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