The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.


Herman Cain approves this message

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Oh boy, here come the Hail Mary plays.

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Finally, someone brave enough to talk about the REAL unmasking.

Double-points for casually using ā€œakaā€ to equate two things that are in no way even close to the same thing.


Nope your number has bloomberg cutting trump a check.

Iā€™m curious/scared to see what he tries as he runs out of runway. Will he bomb some country just to see if it makes people like him more? Who will he have arrested? Do we have an Important Presidential Announcement where he just claims that he stopped a massive terrorist attack, way bigger than 911?

No. Guaranteed itā€™s none of that and just more of the same bloviating about how ā€œwe will overcome covid, if he can do it, anyone can, nothing to worry aboutā€ bullshit.


You may be right. One recent development is that (even before Covid) Trump just seems exhausted. Like he may not actually have the energy do anything more than rage tweeting and saying that everything is rigged, its all fake news, everyone knows he really won.

Incorrect, he wants to allow others to sue FB/Twitter for the lies and disinformation he and his supporters spread online because FB/Twitter are not quite deferential enough to him.

Repealing Section 230 would be far superior to the status quo where social media allows morons to flood the world w/ crap w/ impunity.

Correction, social media doesnā€™t just allow the crap, they help spread it like wildfire w/ algorithmic precision for more clicks/ad revenue.

Ds should promise to repeal 230 themselves.

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This should be a reply to KAC on @Unstuck Twitter.


Not to be a scold or a superstitious wimp, but Iā€™d love if the forum would tone down the overconfidence. I know 2020 is not 2016, but itā€™s not different yet either, ya feel me?


That was a fun hour of schadenfreude

Well I agree but I think his intent has more to do with suing them for calling out his misinformation.

Agreed. The way the media handled Trump, in particular, was vastly different. The change in coverage since 2016 has been MASSIVE.

Just think about the CNN panels. There were Trump surrogates on constantly, giving an impression of legitimacy. Thatā€™s gone. The NY Times was falling all over itself to help Trump. Think about the absurd headlines. Those are mostly gone.

We love ripping on the media here, and often rightfully so, but honestly most outlets have improved dramatically since 2016. The headlines are better, the lies are fact checked, and they cut away from blatant propaganda. None of that was happening in 2016, and that stuff matters to low info morons who take cues from the media.


Yes and no, repealing Section 230 has nothing to do w/ removing bad posts, in fact repeal encourages heavy handed moderation of his shitposting.

Likely Trump just has been told that repealing Section 230 is an anvil he can drop on their heads so thatā€™s just what he instinctively threatens when they piss him off. Doesnā€™t know or care about the details.

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OK, I just caught up on the POTUS BOWL thread and this sentiment has been expressed better by others (and with more likes, grrr) and thatā€™s the appropriate place for it. Carry on here, folks!


I agree, he thinks itā€™s how he can go after them.


Just a reminder to everyone, we are now somewhere between steps 3 and 5: