The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

A ploy that won’t work. There may be stupid people but he’s already got ~all those votes.

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Not a grifter, per se… maybe… opportunist?

I suspect a 180 when daddy pays for her Federalist Summer Camp and tells her about the trust fund not available until she turns 28.

VP debate news via local SLC tv: a plexiglass barrier will be in place.

Yeah it’s looking like a lock to me. This dude’s narcissism is way stronger than his survival instinct.

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I guess at this point he sees no choice but to hop himself up on all of the drugs and go for broke. Maybe that means the danger he’s facing when his term is up is more substantial than we dare to hope.

But at this point even if he is over COVID, jfc imagine being 74 and campaigning after a normal cold. I’d feel like death.


In other news, someone in the Trump orbit actually responded to a subpoena.

#wegothim. And by him, I mean Eric

Haha. Biden team was for it. Pence team against but they’re in no position to dictate terms. They need debates to happen.

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But a play which many in his base wont like. Bunch of anti vaxxers and the Q folk who think Gates is going to microchip them.

Honestly it’s probably his best play. As outraged as we all are about how he’s chosen to handle things, I think he’s taking the best line available to him.



If you’re previously healthy and dipping into 90-94 at rest, your lungs are likely swiss cheese lookin on CT. You’re also dropping into the 80s when walking. I don’t fuck around with anything getting close to hypoxia. It goes sideways too fast.


Struggle city


His best play as candidate, but he’s the POTUS. He needs to take the best line for the country and for the world, not for his re-election odds.

Does anyone else find it kind of nails on a blackboard annoying when people phrase tweets and whatnot like they’re actually addressing Trump? Is that just me? It annoys me on a similar level to the “new tone” and “today he became President” bullshit in that it gives the impression that the poster thinks he’s capable of feeling shame or something.

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I took steroids for skin inflammation and the pills really sucked for me. Barely worked and messed up my stomach. I think it was prednisone. I finally found a dermatologist that would give me cortisone shots, but he didn’t like it. He would ask me to quit my job as a mechanic, I’d say no, he’d give me the shot. They were magic and lasted 9-10 months, but he’d only give one a year. I’d suffer for two months or so and go back again. He also prescribed an anti-itch medication that would stop the itch by knocking you completely unconscious. I complained about having heavy legs the next day and he prescribed the liquid form so I could control the dose better, but I couldn’t take a small enough dose to not have a hangover. I got a quart for $10 or something ridiculous. I could of killed three or four people with it. My wife got bit by a mosquito and I gave her one of the pills and she was completely fucked up for 20 hours. Anyway, he dropped my insurance company and it took me 10 years to find another doctor that wouldn’t insist on giving me the steroid pills. I always said no thanks and kept searching.


Best play… assuming prior of crippling narcissism. If he just acts like a normal human, he probably does get a sympathy/new leaf bump. Still a significant dog due to fucking up COVID response up all year (also because of his crippling narcissism) but maybe he gets it within the margin of error, and Election Day gets its close enough for courts to rig it for him.

Of course that’s what he is supposed to do, but it would not be at all consistent with who he is and at this point it’s not really in his best interest. He’s either going to somehow find a way to win (honestly or otherwise) riding the horse that got him here; or he’s going to fail spectacularly, be broke, and quite possibly go to prison; or he’s going to die. Those are the only outcomes. That’s the reality he’s facing.


I find it easy to believe he would rather gamble now on his health than face the likelihood of facing charges in NY, foreclosure on his properties, and bankruptcy.


Oh I thought 90-94 was a fairly minor dip with covid. So it sounds like the theory that his lungs took some real damage is backed up by what they did release of his pulse ox readings.

Throwing you a @BestOf really for your series of posts on his condition today, very good info… Might as well use the one about swiss cheese looking lungs.


I’ll fight you to the death on this one.

Propaganda Barbie is better. They are both equally shameless. Kayleigh is a better liar, imo because she always sprinkles in a couple of legit facts with her lies. Now these facts are often irrelevant and/or out of context, but they help sell the lie when it is rebroadcast through the derposphere.

Also there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the differential in physical attractiveness probably is a huge positive when it comes to what she is trying to accomplish.

That’s not to say that Huckabeast wasn’t great at the job. She was. But she’s just a bit worse. Comparing the two is like an extremely sad version of a Jordan vs Lebron debate: they’re both great, one is a little better, and agreement will never be achieved.