The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Old man yells at cloud, presidential edition.

If this wasn’t the dumbest group imaginable, I’d take the overconfident “invincible hero” and “don’t be afraid of the virus” stuff as potential evidence that they simply faked the whole thing.

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It really would be pretty great if he did actually fake it and gets shit on hard for exposing everyone.

It’s truly the most surreal moment of 2020

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I read this as invisible hero and thought yeah equating him to their God makes sense



Released a few days ago.

Still drawing live to the Neville Chamberlain Dinner.


True… As we are drawing live to Trump actually dropping at any moment

Trump leaving the hospital just seems like another example of him only being able to think 24-48 hours into the future.

Literally the best case scenario is that he in fact “beat” COVID. A substantial portion of the country will note that he had access to care unlike an average American.



If something like that happens, Biden should just say “Burn the body. Salt the earth.”

Then walk off the stage.


Marine One landing at Walter Reed, which reminds me… By leaving early, Trump is about to expose everyone on Marine One to COVID. Also in the SUV that will drive him to the helicopter.

What an inspirational leader.

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Do some of the healthcare proposals floating around allow rich people to pay a lot extra for similar extraordinary care that couldn’t possibly be made available to everyone, while other proposals don’t? If so I would think that those proposals are now more likely to pass and should be the ones put forth even if they are a bit immoral.

Yes. I’ve never had to take steroids myself but I’ve seen people on dexamethasone and they really can be all over the map, like unreal swings. You pump the absolute shittiest person in the world full of that stuff, mix in some severe covid-19, and this will be an absolute disaster. At the very minimum in the next week we are going to get tweets that are somehow even crazier than usual. At minimum. Trump dying is absolutely in play, raving madness is likely IMO, maybe he’ll end up crying on the roof in the middle of the night and fall off, really anything is possible in the next 7-10 days. I wouldn’t be surprised if entire books are written on the next week of Trump’s life.


Kirsten was right


Now that’s a fucking political ad.

Healthcare pls

Not surprising that housed and healthy people would go for a dog ad but personally I’d rather see him go for the slam dunk of offering 100m non voters something material

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Tell me which candidates plan you think would abolish the ability for rich people to get extra care